My fear happened basically

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I don't remember clearly, I had it this morning, so bare with me.

I was in this shopping mart with some family, I'm assuming they were friends, and they were kinda leaving me behind?

They were checking out, and they asked the cashier about some amusement park or something, (I know this isn't realistic it's a dream) and she looked at me with a disgusted look and said, "They only have three seats so you can't come." It felt like my eyes teared up or something and I replied with "It's okay, I wasn't going anyway." And then it switched.

I was on a FaceTime or something with a class mate,  and by now I felt so sick.

You know in a dream how you start to feel sick and heavy when the dream is going to end soon? I felt like that.

I felt like I was gonna pass out and my eyelids felt heavy, like I was gonna pass out. In the video call I could see my face though and I looked the same, my eyes weren't closing or anything.

My vision was blurry and I felt like I was gonna fall to the ground.

I opened the pool door and the people in the pool were leaving, and they started looking at me and calling me names.

I remember like two names and the rest I'm not sure if they even looked at me.

"Freak." "Weirdo." "Stupid." Or something like that.

I then looked at some girl with blonde-brown wavy hair and said, "You know this is my fucking pool right? This is my fucking pool. This is my fucking house you know that?" Angry. Then I woke up.

The reason I was scared was that everyone hated me, and others were ignoring me like I didn't exist.

I don't know if you understand how scary it was to have two of my worst fears come 'true', even though it was a dream.

I couldn't care less if people knew I existed or hated me, what hirt was the fact that in this dream they were friends. People I was close with. People I trusted.

But enough with this edgy stuff 🤡

Weird dreams I haveWhere stories live. Discover now