Lets Go To Paradise

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There were 3 people who worked in a mall.

I don't remember the two's appearance to well, so work with me.

There was a girl with orange wavy hair with a big smile.

There was a boy with orange hair.

And a girl with black short hair.

The girl with orange hair, let's call her Alice. I'm pretty sure that was her name.

Alice dreamed of going to paradise.

Everyday during work in the mall, she daydreamed of going to a different place.

A place of happiness.


The black haired girl, who we're gonna call Melissa because I don't remember her name other than Alice, was on of Alice's best friends.

The guy, who I'll call Jack, was also Alice's friends.

Everyday after work infront of the store Alice worked at in the mall, they'd hear her go on and on about Paradise.

But one day, it happened.

They decided, they we're going to go to 'Paradise'.

Alice told them how to do it.

They designed this thing, I'm not sure what it was, but it looked like a rocket, though it wasn't, it was to small.

The 'rocket' was like part of rollercoaster, actually.

But, I'm assuming it was light?

There was only one seat in it, though.

Alice described that far over the city, there was an island a little way across, next to the sea.

The sun was setting.

Alice's smile was wide.

Jack and Melissa were smiling too.

There were on top of a tall building.

Melissa and Jack were on the outside of the 'rocket', with Alice on the inside.

Jack and Melissa started pushing the 'rocket', fast.

It made a scraping noise, like metal, but they were pushing it fast.

It flew off the building.

They quickly jumped on with Alice, and landed on another building.

They repeated this till they were at the very last building.

Alice was right.

Not to far away, there was Island with beautiful green trees and large land with no mountains.

It was beautiful.

There was a part of land that didn't have trees, two sections, actually.

Jack and Melissa pushed it off fast yet again.

Alice's heart was beating.

Her smile was wide.

It's finally happening! Is what I imagine her thinking.

(Keep in mind they were right below an ocean.)

But this time they didn't jump on with Alice.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2019 ⏰

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