.Jacks POV Weeks Later.

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A week later
Jack POV:
"Hey are you ready" Felix asks over the phone. "Not yet give me a second" I replied. I threw my phone onto my bed grabbed a oversized sweater and black jeans, grabbed my phone, "I am now!! Do I meet you there or your coming to pick me up?". "I'll meet you there, I gotta go do something first." Felix answered.

10 min later

I'm at the mall food court, there's no sight of Felix at all. Hopefully I didn't just get stood up. I look around left, right; no sight of him still. I grab my stuff and head store by store shopping on my own. I went into FYE to find some vinyl pops for my collection and for some window shopping mainly. I hear a familiar voice, I turn the corner of the music dvds kiosk, I open my eyes wide. I walk out the store, it wasn't who I thought it was. I start to walk home, it starts to rain. I didn't bring my car, I thought maybe he can take me home you know, it would have been romantic. Not anymore.
As I'm walking home I trip and fall down to my knees. I stay on my knees in the rain on the side walk as cars pass on by. I start to rethink everything that happened last week on the floor of my kitchen. Why would he say yes to a date, why did we do it.
A car suddenly pulls up, "SEAN! What are you doing in the rain, get in here." Sean looks to the towards the car and sees wade. Sean crawls in the car, grabs a blanket that wade happens to have in his car. "Why were you out there, you ok. DID YOU GET JUMPED??" We need to get the cops involved." Wade said worried. "Stop don't!" Sean yelled, "it's not that serious, I just got stood up by somebody that's all." "I'm sorry about that, why were you on the floor in the rain?" Wade question. "I tripped and stayed on the floor, I started to think about life and how I did 'something' with this person before. I believe I did a mistake.",Sean said. Wade looks concerned, "I'm sorry, I can't say I've experienced any of that before but don't worry it'll all get better soon, just focus on something else other then relationships right now. Make more YouTube videos, evil within 2 comes out Friday." "Maybe I will", Sean forces a smile and goes back to a lifeless face. He scrunches up like a depressed dog in the car seat,"take me home please?".
"Sure thing."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2019 ⏰

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