The Immitation

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                         Illustration by aesadic

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                         Illustration by aesadic

"Make sure everything's off before you go", said Kevin's boss. Kevin was on his shift as security for the museum in his town. "Yes sir", Kevin responded.Kevin was an average man, like any other, and just like any other man, hated the night shift. His boss then promptly left threw the glass doors of the front, leaving Kevin to the Solitude of the museum. He checked each exhibit, and slowly cut the lights of for each. His neck chilled as he walked by each painting, having the feeling something was watching him. Finally he had got to the last and newest exhibit, The imitation. It was a piece of a dark figure Of burgundy with bulging eyes, by a Artist named Tyler Rambue. Kevin started to recall the story. Tyler Rambue had loved the thought that art imitated reality. His belief in this was so strong that he used his blood as his paint, killing him in the process. "Deep", Kevin thought. Something about it creeped Kevin out more than the others though, and it was the Eyes. They had glistened as if they were real eyes, Drawn to look bloodshot. There was a darkness though, almost as if it was a unescapeable black hole that was sucking him in. Kevin yawned, and then went to the light switch. "Oohhaaa". Kevin turned around quickly to see nothing.He looked from left to right, then to the painting, where the black holes sucked at him once again. "Hello", he said. He got no response. Kevin started to breath faster as he went toward the lights switch. "Huh-hah-huh-hah". He turned around again, and still nothing. He once again looked to the painting, but this time seen Split splot foot prints beginning to be part of the paper as the legnthy dark figure upon the paper walked as Kevin walked.
Kevin ate his scream and stopped walking, and so did the painting. Those bulgy bloodshot eyes ogled Kevin intensely, almost coming off the canvas. Shhhsk. A dark void appeared as the lights shut off, only Kevin did not feel the solitude a void would bring. "Split splot, Split splot." Light glistened as Kevin cut his flashlight on aiming it in front of him. Red veins only eyes could have were seen by Kevin, along with the rest of the monster. He dropped with paint, and the canvas missed the figure. "What are you, Kevin said." The blank underbelly of the creatures face opened to reveal, gnarled, cavity
Ridden yellow teeth, something that would kill a dentist by sight. "Gnnn" it responded. Kevin moved back slowly, as so did the split splotting figure. Kevin stopped walking, and so did it.Kevin then raised his arm. The painted figure also raised its hand, the bloody paint dripping, while eying Kevin. Kevin put his back down, and so did the creature, still eying him. He was mesmerized by it. Kevin walked up, slow with each footstep, and the creature followed in suite. They stood eye to eye, and the creature smiled.  Slowly Kevin's hand reached out and the monsters did as well. They stood palm to palm, and Kevin began to see the creature was harmless. "Aaww!" The tarnish paint began to encapsulate Kevin's arm. It's slithered up Kevin's arm, and to Kevin's horror it dig into his flesh, as a flea would a dog. Kevin's arm colapsed, and he was mortified as it begin to turn into the mushy substance that crawled upon him."No, no no!" Kevin's throat bubbled as singeing Into his intestines. A flow of liquid flew from his mouth, and he looked at it and realized it was the liquified remains of his innards. "Mooo!" He could barely speak. Kevin felt his eyes become wet, but not from the water. They went black and he felt a liquid run down his face, knowing it was his eyes. He was become a gelatinous form of what he once was, His whole body a bubbly mess . "Meeellp Mmee!" Kevin was so close to the exit, he pushed wat was left of his legs  to finish the distance. "Split Splot, Split Splot." "No officer, his family called and said he didn't return home, Kevin's boss had said. "He had left the lights on that exhibit though", and pointed to the imitation, with the splotchy figure exactly where it was.

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