She is...

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I walked to the library in total silence thinking about what kind of information i would find. When i reached there i asked the scary lady at the desk for all of the newspapers she had. She went into the back and came out with boxes of newspapers and documents. Before giving them to me she asked me,

"Why do you want these?" she said in a tone that sent chills down my spine.

"homework." i replied with a fake smile. Thankfully i got away with it and i sat down at a desk with a computer. There was only one artical in the whole of the box that a girl died and was found in a river near her house. Her name was...Ella.

As fast as never before i typed in what happened on that day. I found a picture of the girl and....It wasnt her. It was another ella. I felt like the world had just colapsed. As i walked home i realized that i had not looked as properly at the picture. I took it out and stared at it the whole way home. Just as i was going to open the door, i realized something.

EllaWhere stories live. Discover now