Northside High School

11 0 0

June 12 2019

Rose Samuels, junior, student achiever, average, pretty, the perfect good girl. Today, as member of the welcoming committee, she was to lead a new student through school campus and show them around.

"Rose!" someone walked up to her from the crowd of students entering the school, with brown hair and blue eyes. 

Her best friend Horace Clayton, one of the gay kids, just not a popular one. His' and Rose's history stretches far back to kindergarten, when they used to be stuck in the sandbox together after having been excluded by the other kids.

"Morning Horace", she greeted him, "I need you to help me look for this guy." She handed him a paper with a name on it.

"Markus Gates?" Horace gave the paper back to rose, "sounds like a rich kid."

"Really?" Rose questioned, "well then I wonder if he dresses the part."

"Where could he be though?" Horace scanned the crowd, "I think that's him?"

Horace pointed at a guy in a grey shirt, black pants and black denim jacket. About 5'10 or 5'11, entering the main door. 

"he's actually", Horace's mouth fell open, "cute."

Markus's black hair was a messy side part style, his bright honey gold eyes pierced through the dark atmosphere he cast, he stood up strait with his backpack slung around only one arm.

"Markus Gates?" Horace approached him, "Horace Clayton", he shook his hand and pointed at Rose, "over there is Rose Samuels my bestie......The on with the sunflower blonde hair, pretty blue eyes."

"Hey!" Rose same over and shook his hand, "it's nice to meet you."

"It's a pleasure meeting you as well," Markus replied in a rusty voice and light British accent.

"Wow!" Horace reacted, "where are you from?"

"London", he replied, "born, not raised."

"I'm supposed to show you around school," Rose began.

She did show him around, from the first floor to het second to the third, to his locker to his classes, verify his schedule and introduce some teachers and students.

"Over there is Paul Smith and his group of golden boy jocks." Rose sighed pointing at a blonde haired boy with a really big muscular body accompanied with other boys who's build was similar.

"Football?" Markus guessed.

"No", Horace replied, "basketball"

"Although they used to be part of the football team," Rose added, "however when Gabel Sylvester died, their coach, Gabel's uncle disbanded the team."

"Why?" Markus asked, "how did he die exactly?"

"He drove Weasel oak bridge. He's actually still missing but, for him to have's impossible." Rose replied.

"Anyway", Horace added, "Paul's sister Jane-Anne was in the car with Gabel. Since the accident, The Smiths and Sylvesters have been mortal enemies."

Markus stood in the middle of the hall, facing Rose and Horace who would not stop talking about the accident of June 1.

"Ahem!" A voice shot from behind him. Markus turned back to see who it was. 

There stood a girl an inch shorter that Rose (Rose is around around 5'6), with dark brown eyes and red hair, wearing sky high black boots, a red leather jacket, a black skirt and black undershirt. She used dark red lipstick and dark plum nail polish, white gold hoop earrings and gold bracelets.

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