RWBY Cinder: Mommy.

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"Hey baby." Cinder spoke seeing Y/N walk into the room with her mother Neo.

"Mommy!" Y/N squealed.

"Hey princess. You have good time shopping with mama?" Cinder spoke picking up her daughter.

"Mama took me to toy store!" Y/N squealed.

Neo sat down on the couch admiring her girlfriend and daughter. Her and Cinder had found the small girl abandoned in the streets. They argued on wether to take her in or not, but they did and never regretted the day. Y/N was around 5 and seemed to enjoy causing trouble as much as Cinder and Neo both did.

"Have you eaten yet?" Cinder asked.

"Mama got pizza!" Y/N giggled referring to the frozen pizza they had bought on the way.

"Yeah? Lets go cook it." Cinder carried her to the kitchen.

This is how most days went, Neo took her out as Cinder either caused trouble with Salem or against Ruby. After a few times of Cinder failing Y/N began to ask more questions. Wondering what happened to her eye. That was until one day, when Cinder took her out for the day. They rarely had a day together but when they did it was the best. Y/N squealed when she was picked up, being placed into her mother's arms, cuddling into her.

"My cutie." Cinder laughed.

"Ruby!" Yang yelled catching the attention of Cinder the name being familiar.

"Y/N baby shhh okay." Cinder spoke not wanting anyone to notice her.

Y/N nodded giving a confusing look to her mother. More yells were heard as a thud echoed the city streets. Cinder fumbled with her scroll trying to message Neo. A grimm ran past them, the famous Weiss Schnee on its tail.

"GUYS CINDER!" She screamed alerting her team.

That's when Cinder went into action. She ran down the alley streets holding Y/N close. She ran for awhile till she got to a clearing, Y/N still shaking in her arms.

"Mommy." Y/N clenched onto her mom terrified.

"Shhh babygirl. Home soon I prom-"

"What type of sick person steals a kid!?" A voice called landing infront of them.

The blonde member of Team Rwby stood infront glaring at Cinder.

"No-she's-" A kick came from behind knocking Y/N from her arms and into Yang's.

Y/N screamed terrified of what was happening. She didn't understand and just wanted her mommy.

"Its okay little one." Yang smiled running off.

"GET OFF HER!" Cinder screamed using her grimm hand to grab the blonde.

"You can't kidnap kids!" Blake yelled jumping at the arm.

"She's my daughter!" She screamed.

"Sure." Weiss huffed.

"She is! Y/N its okay baby!" Cinder yelled to try and soothe her baby.

"Mommy!" Y/N screamed making the whole fight stop.

Team Rwby all looked at eachother collectively, they never understood why they stopped but they did.

"Mommy!" Y/N screamed again wriggling.

The team stared at the girl before a light thud hit the street. Neo stood in the center, her figure instantly reconized by Y/N.

"Mama!" She screamed finally wriggling free.

"Y/N!" Cinder yelled.

The smaller girl ran across the street, running straight into her mama's arms. Neo hugged the smaller girl grinning from ear to ear. She held the girl close before smoke filled their vision and before Y/N could react she was met with a familiar noise of the TV.

"Mama?" Y/N looked around confused.

"Mama's gone shopping princess." Cinder spoke sittig next to her daughter.

"Fights?" Y/N asked confused.

"What fight princess?" Cinder faked confusion.

When Neo had led them to safety Y/N had became exhausted from what had happened so the two women agreed to pretend it never happened.

"Bad dream?" Y/N asked confused.

"I think so baby." Cinder smiled running a hand in her hair.

"Oh." Y/N frowned.

"Thats okay because i'm here and I won't let anything bad happen." Cinder promised.

Y/N nodded then grinned widely seeing the smile on her mommy's face. Her mommy wuld never lie to her because she's her mommy. Once Y/N had forgotten about the dream Cinder took this as a chance to teach Y/N about what she did.

"Hey princess. You know how me and mama are superheros?" Y/N nodded.

"Bestest!" She squealed.

"Yeah well me and mama are sometimes in trouble and have to fight people."


"Its what superheros do. They fight bad guys." Cinder smiled.

"Oh. You fight bad guys? You you fight crime like the like the police!" Y/N squealed thinking it was the coolest thing.

"Yeah baby. Like the police." Cinder smiled realizing how innocent her own daughter was.

"Mommy and mama so cool!" She smiled hugging her mother.

"Yeah baby." Cinder smiled.

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