Chap.1||First Encounter|

819 35 16

Minjoo's POV:
Heaven is quite nice but actually boring.......

The scenery is indeed beautiful,but not much to do here

Me,Wonyoung,and Yuri were just staying here waiting for the leaders to train us

The leaders are Eunbi unnie,Chaeyon unnie,and Chaewon.

We were not yet officially members of the Heavenly defenders cause our training hasn't ended yet.

"Hey guys im going to go walk for a while ok?"i told them,they just nodded

I got up and walked out of our room,then left the palace to have some small walks

Eventually its a little boring cause i already knew the place

'What if i go to the Divider mirror?' I thought

The Divider mirror is where the invisible wall is located,hence i can see hell there

I walked there and saw three trees with some little flowers in the ground

I saw the view of hell,i went closer to the mirror and placed a palm

I sat down to the grass

I just took a deep breath,seeing the dead trees and the skeletons layed there just gives me goosebumps

Later i saw a girl in a black dress with big demon horns land

She stretched her arms and then saw me

"What are you doing here,angel?"she said

Did she just talk to me?

She is quite pretty not gonna lie

"Hellloooooo???"she said pulling me away from my thoughts

"U-uh,wha?"i asked,

She just started to laugh

I tilted my head in confusion

"Ummm,what are you laughing at?"i asked

"Lmao you good?" She asked

I just nodded

She sat down and looked at me

"What're you doing here just staring at hell?"

"None of your bussiness."

"Ouch,why so mean?"she pouted

"W-why are you here anyway?"i asked

She rested her head on her palm, "You looked bored and lonely so im giving you company."

"I dont need your company." I coldly said "I'll still company you"

I sigh in defeat


"I may be a demon but im not like one of those ones who'll just bully someone--" she said

"Im nice so dont worry." She gave my a thumbs up

"Sure.." I doubtedly answered

"The name is Yujin,you?" She asked

"Minjoo." I shortly answered

"Nice name!" She smiled

I smiled back slightly

I remembered that i have to go training,so i stood up

"Gonna go already?" She asked

I nodded "Oh ok! Are you gonna come again tomorrow?" She added

I thinked,she's a demon but..she's oddly nice

I guess not all demons are bad "I'll try to." I answered

"Ok! Cya Min!" She stood up and waved bye at me,i waved back

She then flew away,i watched her until her presence is gone

"She isnt that bad at all..i-i kinda feel bad for giving her the cold shoulder."

I shaked my head "She's still a not gonna give her my trust that fast."

I took one last deep breath and walked away.

Who said Demons and Angels can't be Together? [A Jinjoo Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now