Chap.5 (Extra)||A Jinjoo moment|

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No ones POV
It was the same thing for the both of them

One trains to become a member of the Heavenly defenders

And one contiues to serves the King who plans something for their upcoming victory

Minjoo goes to the Divider mirror to see her demon friend,Yujin

For the past few days,Minjoo have been feeling a little worried

Since Jihyo,their god announces that there will be a war near in the future

Ever since then the soldiers have been training hard and harder each day

"And then she caught her eating her food,after that it was bloody and...hey,are you still listening?" Yujin asked,the girl blinked twice and looked at her "A-Ah,sorry...i was spacing out was i?" Minjoo said

"Yep you were,something on your mind?" Yujin asked with a hint of worrieness in her voice

"Uhm well,you see our god sense that there will be a war near the future.And im just...worried." She opened up

"I get what you mean,since Eunbi unnie is like dating Hyewonnie you're clearly worried for them.Me too honestly." She said and looked down

"Not just that.." The girl said,Yujin looked at her "I-I don't know if i can bring myself on hurting you,Yujin.." Minjoo said,she looks like she wanted to cry

'She's..worried about me?..Ofcourse she is im her friend pabo!' "Thats the first time someone cared for me.." Yujin mumbled

She placed her palm on the mirror "There will be a way,we can just you know,not fighting eachother?"

Minjoo looked at her "Pabo..they'll suspect us.."

"Then i'll just fly away pretending like a coward---" Yujin said which made the other laugh

"Even though you're not pretending you're still a coward-" Minjoo teased

Yujin pouted "You're mean unnie..hmph." She looked away crossing her arms

"Awhhh cutee." Minjoo giggled,Yujin blushed and looked at her "Am i cute??" She widely smiled

"No i just felt bad." Minjoo said with a straight face,the other whined

Minjoo couldnt help but laugh,Yujin smiled.Hearing her laugh makes her effortlessly happy

Who said Demons and Angels can't be Together? [A Jinjoo Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now