What a gift «part 1»

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Bakugou's pov

(Bakuboo's outfit is the one in the pic.

(Bakuboo's outfit is the one in the pic

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Kirishi has the pink suit.)

I'm waiting for this "redriot" to come. I only got here a- "Hello Katsu!" Yells a woman in a pink suit and high heels. She sits across from me. Her hair's very short. It's cute too.

"You never told me your name." I say to her... I feel underdressed.

     "Oh! You're right! My name is Kirishi!" She says with that toothy grin she had in her profile pic.

     "So... about the... sex thing um... will we have to um, do that everyday or... whenever u feel like it?" I ask her.

"We can... get nasty whenever you want sweetheart." She says as she winks at me.

     "O-ok. Will I have to move in with y-"

     "Only if u want to! It would be better than having to pay rent considering your financial problems."

     "I-I'll do it."

«sorry it's hella short. murderha wants a preview so instead I just made this chapter into 2 lol 😂 hope u enjoyed though 🤗»

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