4. That weird feeling

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So lately, I have been hunting for jobs. Now just like any other newbie I haven't worked anywhere else before. Reason number 1: because I study. Reason number 2: I'm lazy as fuck and I'm a little nervous and scared that I will have to be stuck in a room with people in order to work. Though I wanted money I was always afraid. Right now, my current financial status of my family is pretty bad. Anyways, I got this job at my mom's school. So i got the position to work as an admin. I have NEVER worked anywhere else before. Here I am sitting and watching youtube videos on how to pass that interview. When my mom first told me that I have an interview to attend this Saturday, I freaked the fuck out!!!!!! I was like mom, this is not the time because I was having my breakfast (my lazy ass woke up at 1 pm and I was munching on the banana toast that i made and i completely lost my appetite).

I dont know how to explain what I am feeling right now. Like i am happy that i am getting a job (wait i haven't actually got the job yet, i just have this interview on Saturday) and I'm nervous too because i will now have to engage with people to work and have a new environment. Not that I'm complaining but what if there are areas that i lack at?  what if there comes a time that i dont know what the actual fuck i am doing and end up destroying my mom's name in the school? I'm sooooooooo doomed. 

Either way, I'm quite nervous and excited at the same time. This way, i can go to a university soon and get that mf degree and live off well, I guess. Now this job is like a diamond because my life depends on it (a story for another time).

I'm sitting here from 5 pm, looking into admin attires (not that i dont like dressing up but because i haven't actually gone out in the past few months and it is kinda scary). All i do is sit in my room and fantasize about BTS (yes i am a BTS fan, where my Army at?) 

What i am trying to say is that i will be now helpful to my family and now that i can also make choices and decisions in life (since i will be earning) anyways i hope this step will get me closer to achieving my milestone someday!


xoxo banana 

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