my thug zone

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so i woke up  @ 10:00 to go to work. i work at chuck-e-chesse. so i got up and did my hygiene i put i on a white tank-top with my black chuck-e-chesse work shirt,with some white skinny jeans with rips n white nike airs. i got everything i needed for work n got in my neon red , purple and pink mustang! im ballin but once i got marco my little brother whos 5 and we went to my job. once we got in i said hey to my boss whos my  brother tamarco ik yea w.e but then my lilttle cousin naya ran up to me n said tht ta said i work at tha counter today. i said kk and started working 

?:um excuse me ma 

me: oh sorry -sets phone on the counter- how may i help you

?:jayda what u want baby girl

jayda: yew pretty can my daddy get ur number?

me:-laughing- maybe but heres ur thingy -wirtes # on it and hands him recipt-

?: -laughing- ma can i c ur phone

me: sure but i want it back on my break and the codes marmar-hands him my phone-

?: aye ma wats ur name

me: um jayda wbu

?: king.... king macus winter

me: cute but gooooooooo and if u c a little boy and little girl that have on red and black jays jeans red polo nd the a bull beanie can u give this to them n say it was from me

king; yea 

-hour later-

me: tamarcoooooooo

tamarco: wat girl d@mn

me: -.- shut yo pu$&y eat ah up but im finna go on break and chill with mar and ny

tamarco: shut yo i wanna give king neck lookin ah up but tell my nigga king i said wasup blood n ight now get da he!! out!!!!!

me:well damn bye -walks out-

-my break- 

me:tyshun and ny!!!!!!!!

them:yes tete yes jaja

me : did he -points to king- give u money 

them: yesss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

me: ok now go play -kisses their head-

them:-runs off-

?:-laughing in my ear-

me: NIGGA IF YO AH DONT GET DA FQCK OUTTA MY DMN EAR IMA PUNCH YO IN -turns around- aw kingg u was finna get shoot by a playa playa

king:lol my bad ma buut wasup

me: nun but my brother said wasup blood


(jayla to the side)

tamarco-1st pic,naya-3rd pic,tyshun-2nd pic in comments

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