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'Fuck you.' Blossom said.

'You were the one insisting on me signing it.' Brick replied.

'Not me, Martha.'

'Who the fuck is Martha?'

Their shouting could be heard throughout the house by now.

'My fucking secretary!' She said, biting her teeth.

'Your temper was even worse than I remember.'

Blossom didn't answer, she kept her head down, thinking about what would happen if they actually got married.

Cities burning.

Lives lost.

Ok fine maybe not like that but it would go down badly.

'Well, you better make use of the time we have to explain what has happened in the past few years.' She said.

'Same here.' Brick replied.

After 30 minutes of explaining, they each understood a bit more of each other's lives.

It was a bit awkward for Brick to listen about Blossom's though, she had explained from the very first bit- their breakup.

Blossom tried not to let her emotions take control of her, to not seem so weak, but their breakup hurt. Real bad. It changed her life, it made her rethink what she was doing the whole time. How could your own counterpart not like you? How could someone almost made to complete you leave you?

After their conversation, they each started to discuss about living terms.

'I'm not staying here! This place is so far from where I work! I'm not going to live in the middle of nowhere' Blossom said, slamming her hands on the table.

'Too bad Miss Princess Pinky.' Brick said.

They argued back and forth, with Brick trying to convince her to live closer to his territory and Blossom trying to make him live nearer to her territory.

Finally they both agreed on living at a vacant mansion of Blossom's, which was in the middle of both of their main warehouses.

'I'll see you there tomorrow then.' The hot headed Brick said, hesitant to shake Blossom's hand.
She took his, they'd have to make something out of it anyway.

'See you.' She replied.

And then they both left to go back to their own cities.

'For god's sake, why is she so hard to work with.' Brick said, complaining to his men in charge.
'Do you know this woman from before?' One of them asked.

'Not even know, I've dated her. Jesus Christ she wasn't so difficult from before.' He ranted.

The rest of the car ride back was silent, with Brick thinking about living with Blossom.
Will they have to go through a real ceremony?

What about Alexis?

(A/N: dw she's irrelevant-ish)

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