Senior Year

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Jinxx POV

Senior Year! Yes! Thank god! It's the last year I get to graduate fuck yes all these bitches can 

leave me alone forever fuck yes well expect Silver and Eve I'll always have them Silver said 

something about leaving idk me and her don't really talk anymore she joined a different group 

of friends she kinda thinks like she this popular girl with her new friend group idk to be honest 

it's stupid but anyway onto how my Senior Year went...

Senior Year giant knee brace not able to wear actual jeans I could only wear shorts and flip flops 

I couldn't get a shoe onto my foot by myself and I chose not to wear a sneaker flip flops were 

easier to put on plus I wobbled around the halls I was allowed to be late to class or leave early 

because I was on crutches for while then just wobbled around without them I thought it would 

be able but it wasn't Kevin was still suspended well not or much longer he'll be back soon we 

have to do finals before the others since we are Seniors that's how the school works I guess I 

honestly don't know anyway finals went by fast now its Senior week which is fun we got to 

decorate the inside of the school one night until morning then leave and come back for school 

again it was fun I couldn't go to prom though because of my knee brace but I went to project 

prom for a bit with Ray then again we left early without having an adult sign us out I didn't want 

to deal being in pain anymore or being so tired I never got good sleep having a giant knee brace 

on my knee and not being able to bend it so sleeping on my back was never comfortable at all 

but I managed. We went to the lake that's right down the road from the school I couldn't go 

swimming I still had the knee brace on and my stitches were still there but at least I tried to tan 

the best I could we were at the lake from the beginning of the day to about 11:30 since it was half 

a day since it's graduation week for us which is great Kevin came back oh joy he didn't say much 

to me expect during graduation practice he tried to but kept getting into trouble we were sitting 

in the gym one day having free time that's what the gym teacher called it Kevin was playing 

basketball with some other kids I was standing on the side talking to Silver and Eve with other 

students you think it wouldn't be a bad day right wrong the basketball hit my knee brace making 

me loose my balance and I almost fell I told Mrs. Heist about it Kevin tried to lie but because I 

was standing with other students that didn't work out like he thought it would he got in trouble 

once again I went and sat on the bleachers because standing started to hurt a lot while sitting 

minding my own business he decided to try and start shit I wasn't in the mood for it "Can you 

just leave me alone it's Senior Week we are about to graduate tonight why can't you leave me 

alone I'm tired of this shit" I snapped at him he looked at me an laughed "Good luck doing the 

walk for graduation it would be a shame if someone trips you oh wait you'll just bounce since 

you're fat!" He yelled and laughed I hate being here it needs to be the end of the day so we can 

graduate and leave I don't want to deal with him anymore.

 By the time graduation started everything went fine nothing bad happened no one tripped me I 

got to drive back to the school for graduation which was great I'm glad graduation went well and 

nothing went bad I didn't trip I graduated I told Kevin to fuck off and don't even think about 

trying to fuck with me outside of school my dad didn't like him and the police would be involved 

if he tried anything thank god he didn't I heard that he moved thank god I don't have to deal 

with him anymore I thought after I graduated high school everything would get better I was 

wrong life literally fucks you in the ass.

Sorry for it being short nothing really bad happened Senior year but life does fuck you in the ass nothing gets better I would know I graduated in 2017 it's 2019 and I was in a car accident at the end of 2018 into 2019 nothing gets better expect for not having to deal with bullies anymore but high school never ends there's still drama and still bullshit that happens I suggest listening to High School Never Ends by Bowling For Soup it literally tells you that High School Never Ends because it doesn't but I hope reading this somewhat helps or lets you understand that things can be rough but the more you tell someone the better things can kinda get

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