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Silvers POV words between minuses or thoughts sentences beginning with "T;" are texts




-Ugh what's taking him so long?!-

I walked around in circles as I had nothing better to do. I cleaned the dishes, made dinner (peanut chicken with rice and broccoli), washed and folded the clothes, hell! I even vacuumed the carpet! (Much to the annoyance of my Weavile; Phara, poor girl was still on top of the refrigerator). But Gold is still not home!...

-Is he okay? Did something happen?-

My thoughts were interrupted by a loud. Ding!

"Jesus fuck!" I yelped, looking around furiously for the source of the noise. Phara jumped down from the refrigerator, and hopped onto the coffee table pointing to... oh, it was just my phone.

"Well don't I feel stupid." I muttered under my breath, walking over to the stupid device that had scared the shit out of me. Picked it up, and pressed the power button to get it out of sleep mode.

"Alright, who's texting me?" I murmured. Sitting on the couch to get comfortable, at least it's something to do. Phara hopping onto my lap, and curling up into a ball.

I opened up the texting app to see who messaged me... it was Blue.

"T; hey little brother! how are you doing? is your boyfriend home yet?"

I rolled my eyes a little

-Why is it her business that Gold's home?-

"T; No, not yet. Why are you asking?"

Ding! Dumb thing still dings when I'm in the texting app...

"T; aha I'm just asking! do you know where he is atm?"

-A... t... m...?-

"T; Probably at work? I don't know... what does "atm" mean??"

Ding! God I hate that noise.

"T; at the moment haha lol XD you sure he's okay?"

-Don't bring those thoughts back please!-

"T; Blue, don't make me have a panic attack over something minute please."


"T; minute? Why did you type minute?"

"T; My-nute: something small and insignificant. Not mi-nute: judgement of time."


"T; ooooh you're opening a dictionary on me! I see..."

"T; Hey, what do you expect? I'm a bit edgy at the moment >:]"

Ding! Ding! Huh? Another text message? That second one wasn't from Blue...

"T; I hate you =/"

"T; Sure you do"

After I sent that text, I hit the back button to see who else was texting me... Gold! Finally!

"T; hey babe! i'm kind of stuck in traffic right now! =/ i'm going to be a little late getting home... sorry ^_^;"

"T; So that's where you've been... how come you didn't text me soon as you got stuck in traffic?"


"T; oh! well my phone needed to be charged i and was waiting for my car to charge it it charges slow you know?"

He really needs to turn on autocorrect... and use punctuation!

"T; You could have texted me while it was charging..."

Ding! Ding! What the? Why am I so popular today?!

"T; oh... i genuinely forgot sorry babe! won't happen again i promise! <3"

"T; That's fine. How long do you think you're going to be stuck in traffic?"

Ding! Ding! Who in the hell is texting me?!

"T; i don't know... maybe another hour or so? anyways! more impertantly what's for dinner?! :D"

"Dumbass misspelled importantly." I chuckled. He should really stop hanging out with Lynda so much though, he's starting to get her typing habits.

"T; First off *importantly. Second off peanut chicken with rice and broccoli."

Ding! Ding! Ugh, I'm going to need to check who else is texting me! This is getting ridiculous...

"T; pppff! whoops! didn't realize i misspelled it XD ooo! sounds good babe! :D darn it now i want to be home faster =/"

"T; You never realize when you misspell something, you really should turn on autocorrect. Update me when traffic moves, okay?"


"T; no! i refuse! X'D of course babe! see you when i get home <3"

"T; See you."

I once again backed out to see who was texting me- wait, what the hell?!

-How in the FUCK did Lance get my number again?!-

"T; Hey baby~ how's it going?~"

"T; Aww, come on~ don't ignore me~"

"T; Are you talking to your pathetic ass boyfriend or some shit?! Is that why you're ignoring me?!"

I heard a hiss from my lap and almost jumped right off the couch

"God Phara! You scared the hell out of me!" I snapped. She growled at my phone a little before turning to me with a sympathetic "Weeviii"

-Don't answer him, don't answer him, don't answer him- what are you doing?!-

"T; How in the FUCK did you get my number?!"



"T; It helps to know people~ what are you doing right now?~"

"T; What fucking makes you THINK I want to tell YOU that you PIECE OF SHIT!?"


"T; Awww!~ don't be like that!~ Come on~ throw me a little bone~"


Back arrow, back arrow, BACK ARROW!


"T; traffic finally started moving! i'm on my way home!"

"T; Gold..."

Ding! Ding!

-Oh no, please no.-

"T; yeah babe?"

"T; Lance got my number again."


"T; ..."

Ding! Ding! Ding!

-That third one wasn't Gold... fuck.-



"T; Gold, that's illegal."


"T; You and I both know you don't care about that... anyways, where was I? Oh yeah. MOTHERFUCKERSGOINGTODIE!"

I genuinely snorted at that, then I realized something.

"T; Gold, please don't tell me you're texting while driving."

Ding! Ding! Ding!

-Fuck off, asshole!-

"T; No I'm at a stoplight."

"T; I'm not stupid."

"T; I know you aren't, I'm just checking."

Ding! Ding!


"T; Okay, good. Just... make sure you don't give him your location okay?"



"T; Of course. Not in a million years."

Ding! Ding!

-Why me?-

"T; Alright, stay safe. Okay babe?"

"T; Of course."


"Okay, that's it!" I backed out of the texting app again and tapped on Lance's number... I really regret that...

"T; Hello?~"

"T; ...?"

"T; Respond."

"T; Respond."

"T; Respond."



I didn't read past that, I hit the home button and exited completely out of the texting app. Shutting off my phone afterward.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck." I whimpered under my breath beginning to shake violently. I flipped around on the couch and shoved my face into the throw pillow. to prevent myself from screaming, and scaring the neighbors.

"Weevii? Vi..." Phara meowed worriedly, gently pushing herself onto my chest basically saying
"Everything's okay, I'm here, I can protect you." At least... that's what I think...


A few hours later, I heard the door being unlocked, I whipped around to see who was entering the house and- it was Gold. He saw me on the couch and quickly walked over to me.

Phara wiggled out of my grasp, seeing as Gold was there now, and he could comfort me. At least... I think that was her logic?

Gold knelt down and wrap his arms around me and a hug.

"Hey babe, everything's okay. I'm here and he's not" he cooed. those words made everything Lance said suddenly hit me like a truck, I started to sob.

"It's okay, I got ya. I got ya." He wiggled onto the couch as best as he could. Our position ended up with him on his back, and me laying on his stomach.

"Think he knew where your house was!- I!- fuck!-" I hiccuped.

"No he doesn't babe, everything's fine, he was bluffing." He reassured me.

"How do you know?!" I wailed, fuck I sound weak right now...

"I called Lynda a little after you texted me, and she went over to where he was and... did something that scared the crap out of him. I don't really know what it was, but it definitely freaked him out. I got a bunch of apology texts saying stuff about him bluffing knowing where my house was." He explained. Rubbing his hand up and down my back soothingly.

"O-oh... I don't believe his apologies for a second..." I grumbled.

"Heh, neither do I. But hey, at least he's spooked enough to not bug you for a bit!" He laughed. I just nodded.

"Hey is dinner still warm? I'm starving!" He asked cheerily.

I chuckled "Of course"

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