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POV flips between Gold and Silver, the way you will know which POV it is, is that before there's any text it'll begin with either at the first letter of Silver's name or the first litter of Gold's name (S or G).



"I told you to never talk to me again! If you call me one. More. Fucking time. I'm calling the police!" I ended the call with a frustrated cry, ever since those texts, Lance has been bothering me nonstop.

The police won't do shit because of his higher status (I said it out of habit), and the fact that he can pay them off, Gold can't do anything (even though he's the fucking champion of Johto!) because he's not allowed to fire him some damn reason.

But that doesn't fucking mean he hasn't tried. He's tried his damnedest to get him out of power

...but it never works- none of it works

I flopped onto our shared bed beginning to cry, Gold currently wasn't home due to a family event that he was invited to last minute. I don't blame him for leaving me alone, but god damn it I really wish he was here right now!

I heard my phone ringing again, I got up, canceled the call, and turned it off... I'll turn it back on when it hits three. That way I can get Gold's call about coming home...

I hope he's having a better time than me right now.


"The fuck is wrong with all of you?! I didn't want to see her here!" I screamed. Crystal stared at me like an excited girl who just got a pony for her birthday... ugh.

"But, sweetie-"

"Don't "sweetie" me!" I angrily cut off my mom, "I told you explicitly that I didn't want to see her here! I can't believe actually thought for a second that you wanted spend time with me. This is just some fucking ploy get me back with her isn't it?!"

"Dude chill out-"

"Don't fucking "dude" me!" I screamed at Ethan. My so-called brother, "You're the last fucking person I want to tell me to "chill out"!"

"But she wanted to see you!" My mom pleaded.

""She wanted to see me"? she wanted to see me?! That's the reason she's here?! Oh my fucking god! I can't believe you!" I stormed out of the house, my mom telling me to wait... hell no...

What kind of mother is she to blatantly ignore the fact that I've been abused by her, just let her come over and see me?! I can't believe it. How is she even my mother?! Aren't they supposed to care about these sort of things?!


Panic shot through my system as I heard her voice.

"Stay the fuck away from me, you bitch," I hissed, "I don't know how you tricked my "family" into letting you in the house, but I don't want any part of it! Leave me alone!"

"I just wanted to say, I'm sorry." she stated in a nonchalant manner.

"I'm sorry?" I repeated, "Sorry for what?"

"For hurting you like that, I shouldn't have done it. Silver too." She continued to speak in a nonchalant manner, like- she just accidentally got me orange juice instead of apple juice at the store, or something stupid like that... not fucking abuse!

"Do you seriously think I'm going to forgive you, because you just said "I'm sorry"?!" I snapped, "do you even realize the gravity of what you've done to me?! I've lost friends because of you, my family turned against me, I almost fucking lost Silver because of your narcissistic need to have control over my life!-"

""Almost"?" Her voice seemed to drop an octave, going almost demonic. "What do you mean by "almost"? I thought he was out of your life for good."

"Oh so that's what your fucking plan was. You wanted to guilt me into getting back with you didn't you? Jokes on you! I'm already with someone else, and I'm very happy about how it's going!" I laughed. Crystal's face going red with anger.

"Who?! Who's the fucking bitch that you deserted me for?!" She screeched like a banshee.

"Wouldn't you like to know." I laughed more. Running off to my car. I heard her chase after me, but I was smart enough to park at least a half an hour walk away. She had no chance to keep up with me, especially since I was hyped up on adrenaline.

As soon as I lost sight of her, I got my phone out and started to try and call Silver... but it went straight to voicemail...

"Fuck!" I muttered under my breath, "Why is it going straight to voicemail?!"

More panic began to shoot through my system. Is he okay? Did something happen? Did he turn it off for some reason? Fuck fuck fuck!

I quickly fumbled around for the home phone number and called, it took three rings for him to pick up, when he did...

"Listen here you piece of shit! I'm telling you to leave me the fuck alo!-"

"Silver?" I cut him off, there was a pause for a few moments, and then suddenly he started apologizing.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to- shit, sorry! I just- Lance has been constantly calling me, and- I had to turn off my phone, but that fucker somehow got the home phone number and!-"

"Lance did what now?!" I shouted, "I can't fucking believe this! First Crystal showing up at my mom's house, and now this?!"

"Wait, what? Crystal was at the house?!" Silver gasped.

"Yeah, that bitch somehow convinced my family to let her in and... needless to say, I'm coming home now." I sighed. I wanted to try spending time with my mom, but if they're still acting like this... it's best to just- completely cut contact.

"Jesus fuck," I heard Silver hiss under his breath, "I wish I could have been there, sorry..."

"Hey, don't apologize babe. Neither of us knew she was there." I began to chuckle nervously, "Besides, if you were there, I'm pretty sure things would have been a lot worse."

"That-... that's true..." he muttered, "Still doesn't stop me from-... wanting to protect you..."

"Awww babe!" I cooed, "Aren't you the sweetest thing?"

"Stop." Silver laughed, I smiled. At least he feels better.

"Just, get your ass home quickly, okay?" He huffed little. "Also, I can sense your smile."

I let out a chuckle "Sorry, I can't help it. You're just really cute. And I love you a lot, you know that yeah?"

"Y-yeah" he murmured shyly. He always gets shy whenever I tell him I love him. "W-what about it?"

"Nothing just wanted to say it~"

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