1• Not what he seems

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You and Beetlejuice has just put Lexi to bed after she threw a tantrum and refused to go to sleep. You rubbed your eyes as you basically threw yourself on the bed.

"Jesus, four's gonna be a bad year isn't?" You laughed tiredly."Yeah, why couldn't she just stay young." He groaned as he rolled over and looked at you.

You smiled as you sat up and got on his lap. He rubbed your sides as you leaned down and grabbed his face. "God I love y-" he tried to whisper out before you placed your lips on his.

You eventually laid down and tried to fall asleep. You got a few hours asleep before you were shook awake.

"Wake daddy up-" you said half awake. "She stayed quiet as she still continued to tap you. "I'm up"

You stretched as you sat up. You looked to your right seeing Beetlejuice still asleep. You smiled as you picked Lexi up and walked downstairs. Once you got downstairs you put her down and walked over to the couch.

"Mommy- I'm hungry" she whined  pulling on your pant leg. "Okay, come on, what'd you want." You responded as you got up once again.

You eventually had to go to your interview, so you brought her back up to your room so she could bother Beetlejuice. You smiled as she woke Lawrence up while you grabbed your clothes to take a shower.

"Jeses, what time is it?" Beetlejuice  mumbled.

"Mommy's in the shower, and told me to bother you." She giggled.

"I don't espect anything else from her I guess" Beetlejuice laughed.

You turned the water off and wrapped your self in a towel before stepping out. You got dressed did your hair and makeup, and then you were off.

Beetlejuice and Lexi sat on the couch scrolling through the channels. He had eventually stopped on a show Lexi liked just so she would be distracted. He grabbed his phone to see he had 10 missed calls. He clicked on one of the numbers, and held it to his ear to hear it ring.


"Uh hey, we haven't talked in a while... But my wife's out." Beetlejuice said over the phone.

"Wife, you got married, really?" The woman's voice rang. "Well, do you still want me to come over?"

"Hold on, I'll come over there."

"Okay then, bye~"

He hang up the phone as he walked back into the living room. "Hey Lexi, daddy has to go to work so I'mma drop you off at daycare"

"But daddy, mommy said you didn't have work today." She pouted as she looked away from the tv.

"Come on sweetie, we gotta go." He said nervously.

Beetlejuice helped her put her shoes on, and took out a paper. He wrote that'd he'd be at work

You unlocked the door and stepped inside slipping your shoes off. You threw your keys on the counter and looked at the note that has been left. You read it as you groaned in realisation that you had to go back out and get Lexi. So you retraced your steps and headed back out. You had walked in and looked for her. Once you spotted her you told the main desk. Once you got back home Beetlejuice was already home and watching something on tv.

"Hey babes, how the interview go?" He asked as he saw you walk through the door. "I dunno, I guess it went fine." You said as you slipped your shoes off once again.

Lexi had run off to your room which finally gave you two some alone time. You sighed and walked to Beetlejuice and sat in his lap.

"So why'd they have you come in today? I thought it was your day off?" You questioned as you straddled him and put your arms around him. "Well, they had a few people who didn't come in today, so I volunteered." He lied.

You both sat there with the background noises from the tv still playing. You wouldn't want your life any other way though. You never would have thought in a million years you'd be married to a demon. Well, I guess he's not a demon anymore... But it still shocked you.

You looked him in the eyes before you grabbed his face and pulled him into a kiss. It started off slow but it got heated as he got needy. You pulled away though before it went too far.

"We've got Lexi now-" was always your excuse. So you ended up leaving the poor guy sexually frustrated, but you had no idea.

You left Beetlejuice and walked into the kitchen, but realized for the 100th time that you can't cook shit. "Hey babe, can we just order pizza?" You yelled into the living room. He said yes so you walked in to grab your phone. You waited before the man knocked on the door. You hand him the money as he handed you the box.

Aye first chapter... Idk what I was doing... It'll start getting interesting in a few chapters, trust me.

But Ayo!

Author out! ;)

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