Chapter 3: Paranoid

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Chapter 3: Paranoid

'"I overheard Hitch mention you were visiting somebody. Who was it?" That doesn't sound accusatory at all. So just freaking SAY it! It's not that hard!'  You glanced over at Armin, who was looking at you expectantly as you walked. 'Oh, shit. Did he just say something?'  "Huh?" You clueless response caused his brows to knit together, the signature sign of his brain-gears churning.

"...I asked if you wanted to visit the port with me next week."

"I'd love that!" You exclaimed happily and that brought a smile back to his face. The sea always seemed to put Armin at peace. He never got tired of its natural splendor, and he could lose hours staring at the horizon, collecting shells and splashing about. "Oh, but wait... Is it safe?"

"The moles we have on the inside say that they won't launch a counterattack while the rumbling is still a possibility. They're more likely to infiltrate than threaten by force so we're putting safeguards in place for that."

"And even if they do show up on the beach I'm sure you can protect me, so it's fine." You flicked your wrist in a blasé fashion and he seemed pleased by your answer, enough so that his arm slipped around your waist and you felt a warm kiss grace your cheek.

"I'll start planning then." And with that he took his leave, clutching his books close to his chest as he went. You watched him cross the courtyard before turning on your heels.

'Time to go fishing.'  Down the corridor steps you tread, feeling a slight pang of guilt for behaving this way. It was nothing, and you knew it was nothing because you knew Armin. Knowing Hitch, she was probably dragging him along to one of her gal pals for romantic advice or something. He had been in a secure relationship for a long time, after all. If you just had a name that would be all you'd need to deduce what was going on... and stop wasting precious brain space on the matter.

You were well aware that this secrecy was nothing more than a paranoid delusion, so it was your job to secure Armin's alibi for yourself, and prove yourself the idiot you knew you were being. The first plan you had would be to cross-examine the source.

"Hi, Hitch." You smiled politely and she returned it.

"Oh, hello. What brings you down here, F/N?"

"Um..." You decided to be daring. "Zackley needs an updated list of those being disciplined downstairs." She raised an eyebrow but complied with your wishes.

"There've been no major changes. You can tell him that. Eren is still there... and the two Marley hostages as well. And last week we had two cadets that were insubordinate so they spent a night or two there. But it was minor." She shrugged but you were struck by a glimmer of potential.

'Last week... That could coincide with Armin's visit.'  "Ah, I see. Could you give me their names? ...Just to be thorough." She pursed her lips and shuffled through some papers.

"One was named Adrian Hugo and the other was... David Marcelle." You blinked at that.

'Those are both boys names...'  You held in a sigh of disappointment. "I see. Thank you- oop!"

"'Scuse me!" A strained voice came from behind you after colliding with your shoulder. "I'm sorry." You turned to see two cadets with shaking arms full of equipment.

"Ah, it's no problem." You received a grunt in response as they shuffled down the right staircase.

"Don't break anything." Hitch teased from behind. "And it's a no-touch policy on the merchandise down there, understood?"

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