So today teo bday and im going to surprise I'm with his favorite car (idk what his favorite car is so don't come at me 😂) teo is at the studio rn so this is the perfect time....oh yeah let me tell you what's been going on this last five months so tazya gave birth to a baby boy they named him tarell ayleo bowles im now 9 months into my pregnancy and will be in 4 months......we dont have school anymore THANK GOD and ayo and teo release two albums and we living good. here I my belly..
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Here is tatrell....
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Anyways I'm now geting dressed to get teo's car and a few more gitfs
My outfit...
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I walked out and headed to the car shop where teo's car was after I got there I asked his friend key to come pick up the car and take it to my house then when to the mall and went to all his favorite stores and then went home to meet up key there. I pulled up to see two cars I was nervous that the boys was already home I got out thw car unlocked the door and walked in only to see ayo and key. Um soo y'all gon leave my baby by himself I stanked faced them. girl chill teo a big boy now he old enough now to be by himself. Well where is he anyways I said walking upstairs to our room and put his stuff down. He at the studio still working on that song oh...ok. I get the rest of the bags here is all the stuff I bought him...
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