The Plan

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As you stand there among your fellow soldiers, you begin to hear a number of people talking. A few choice words reaching you and striking a cord inside you.

"Retake Trost are they kidding?" One garrison soldier says to a small group clustered to your left.

"Someone up tops lost their marbles how do they expect us to shore up the hole?" Another says, as more and more talk spreads like wildfire between the soldiers.

Seeing as Daz is flipping out again just a bit away from you. "I can't... I cant go back... WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!!" He screams out causing everyone around him to stop whatever conversation they were having and stare at him. Marco attempts to calm him much like before but another soldier stops him by yelling at them.

"Stop shrieking like a snivelling coward, are you trying to give me the impression that you're a liability?" The man demands to know, his tone is incredibly aggressive and stern.

"Sir please look at us. We're being marched to an early grave like lambs to the slaughter." Daz tells the man, tears streaming down his face.

As the soldier places his hand onto one of his pairing blades ready to strike Daz down. "You telling me you're to good to sacrifice yourself for the good of humanity soldier? Or do you prefer I cut you down right now as an example to your comrades?" He asks Daz like it's a normal question. Like he's asked this a thousand times before.

"Do what you got to do. I'll take it over being fed to a titan like human candy any day!" Daz remarks to the soldier as he too draws one of blades. Marco stepping in and restraining Daz before he can act.

"Christ I knew people were scared but this... This is insane! If they really are planning for us to try and retake Trost, how do they expect us to pull it off. When everyone's to scared to move?" You say to your friends, as you speak your mind on the matter at hand.

"That commander guy took Eren and the others up on the wall right? You don't think he can use him like Armin said do you?" Reiner asks you, as he starts to pick apart what has changed since the first attack.

"I'm not sure. But if he does this is gonna be a rough fight. I mean what if Eren can't, what if he can't become a titan again? We don't know how it works, maybe it's like a one off thing? Or he can only do it for so long?" You reply, worried that if this is indeed the plan then it may be relaying to much on Eren.

As you look around you seeing panic start to spread and interweave it's way through everyone. The uncertainty and fear of going back into the fray is to much for some. Seeing as some people begin to weep and plead not to go back.

"If that is what they want to do. Then well for his sake and everyone else's I hope he can." You continue saying as you hear from a top the wall. Commander Pyxis let out this ear shattering cry, his voice booming like a million cannons all firing at the same time.

"ATTENTION!!!!!" The whole crowd falls deafly silent at his words, as he starts to relay the actual plan to everyone.

"Take note, the blueprint of the Trost recover operation is this. Our primary objective is to reseal the hole. Yes you heard right, what's more it will be done manually." He pauses as people stand there, their eyes and mouths a gawk at this strategy. Many questioning how the hell you're going to do this.

"As for how the task will be done, that's where this fellow comes in. Allow me to introduce cadet Eren Yeager." Commander Pyxis says as he starts his speech up again. Eren stepping forward and joining the commander.

"What the hell!!" Conny says, just a bit away from you. But defiantly loud enough to hear.

"Don't let appearance's deceive you, this young man is in fact the successful product of cutting edge science. Fantastic as this may sound, cadet Yeager has the ability to fabricate and control a titan body at will." Pyxis announces to everyone. 

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