1 - Blue

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a succession of images, thoughts, or emotions passing through the mind during sleep

Jungkook quickly moved along the sidewalk, careful not to lose his balance. The rain crashed on the pavement, each droplet ringing in his ears. The loud pound of his shoes was seemingly silenced by the sound of the horrid weather.

If it weren't for the glowing streetlights every forty-or-so steps, he would be surrounded by pitch black. Unable to find his way back home.

The night was anything but forgiving. Instead of tears, it rained waterfalls. Instead of a cool breeze, it blew soft hurricanes. The sky had no mercy.

And neither did the streets. It was lively by day and soulless by night. No one but Jungkook to walk alone in the shadow-sunken town.

The harder it poured, the tighter he pulled his hood to cover up his face. He hated the cold. Despised it. Loathed it.

5 years ago. Ever since that night, he couldn't stand it. He wanted to be surrounded by the heat, enclosed in warmth. Wanted to be comfortable. But the cold was anything but that.

It only reminded him.

The images of the dark hovering sky above the blanket of snow. The slip of the tires on the slick ice. The toss of the steering wheel.

It was all coming back.

He could envision the hurl of the car jolting him in every direction. The skin-stabbing pain of being flown out of the window and the bone-breaking crash of being thrown to the ground. Quickly being enveloped in the burning cold, feeling every bit of pain in every cell of body being amplified.

He quickly returned back to reality at the thought of the crash, stopping mid-step. His breathing became heavier in the midst of his thoughts with his strong chest heaving up and down. The rain couldn't even drown out the sound of hearing his own quivering breath.

Jungkook never wanted to go back to that time. Never wanted anything like that to happen again. He had lost the one thing that mattered to him that day.

But that was then. This is now.

He continued on the endless sidewalk, trekking his way through the harsh waves coming down from above. Looking down at his shoes again, he found the glistening of his dark combat boots to distract himself. Eyeing his black and white reflection, trying to make out the features of his face. Anything was better than slipping back into the past.

But in his reflection was a speck of blue. It took Jungkook a few lingering seconds to realize that it wasn't a stain or a random speck. But it was from up above.

He looked up as far as he could without his face being pelted by droplets. And there he saw it.

A beautiful, bright blue. The blinding orb was so unnatural in the blank sky with no other star to be seen. It was by itself, captivating Jungkook. It was the only star there to watch over him.

He reluctantly focused on walking, wanting to keep staring at the sky and keeping the unique star in mind.

A tall streetlight at an intersection gave Jungkook his signal to turn left. There was no path aglow in the alleyway to lead him with guidance. The sky was still unforgiving. It wouldn't budge. Pulling his hoodie closer to his face, he trudged into the alleyway further into the darkness.

The tight space of the brick walls on both sides of him only amplified the crash of the rainfall, completely deafening his steps. Walking down this direction was always the longest 30 seconds of his life. He couldn't hear himself think, and it drove him mad.

26 seconds more.

Jungkook glanced up, making sure not to walk into the dumpster that always blocked the right side of his view. Finally getting past the annoying object, he stopped.

He would've looked back down at his boots, distracting himself with his reflection. But he couldn't.

Looking before him, at the end of the alleyway, was a figure. Jungkook couldn't make out any features on it, but he knew one thing.

They were blocking the only way home.

He had to walk past the unknown silhouette in order to make it back to where he so longed to be. He wanted to open the door to his bedroom, bundle up in his bed-sheets, and sleep for the night. That was all. Was that so much?

As Jungkook got closer to the figure as quietly as possible, he was able to make out a certain feature. The hair. It was a bright, electric blue. The same blue as the star in the sky. The only color to be seen in this black and white world.

Jungkook got closer and closer, no longer afraid of the figure. He was only 7 seconds away from the end of the path, too far to turn back.

The silhouette was leaning back against the building on the right side of the alleyway. Standing in the rain and looking at the towering, empty buildings. Though Jungkook could only see the electric shade of blue, he knew the person belonging to the silhouette was entrancing.

He made out the outline of their profile. Their broad shoulders and long legs. The built yet lean figure that would have been intimidating to anyone else but only made Jungkook more curious.

3 seconds left.

He was surprised the figure hadn't noticed him yet. But just at that thought, the figure turned to face Jungkook.

Still not being able to make out another feature, he stopped at the 1 second mark, reaching his hand out to touch the silhouette.

Jungkook didn't know why he was so drawn to whoever was standing there, but he couldn't help it. Almost touching the shoulder of the shadow, they fully turned. The night still hiding their appearance.

A deep yet soft laugh escaped the figure's lips. The man's voice lingering in Jungkook's ears acting as a melody.

The blue-haired man reached for Jungkook's hand that almost made it to his shoulder and held it in his gentle grasp.

Jungkook now stood completely motionless at the touch.

The man let out another deep laugh, even softer this time. More careful. As if glass were breaking.

He was upset, even heartbroken it seemed, to have Jungkook standing before him.

Jungkook took one final step, one that would reveal exactly who this man was. But before his foot met the wet pavement, the shade of blue was gone; the man vanishing.

Jungkook erupted from his sleep, still feeling the chill of the cold downpour in the streets. Still feeling the fascination with the shade of blue. Still feeling the confusion of never seeing the figure's face.

That same stupid dream, he thought to himself. Every damn time.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2019 ⏰

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