"All right, team, you know what you are doing?" Shiro's voice cracked over the speakers of the helmets. Pidges voice came through the intercom next,

"Yep, Shiro. Go in and out." Hunk's laugh was heard over the intercom, and you heard Keith groan.

The only voice that you didn't hear was Lance. It was odd for Lance to be quiet. Lance wasn't ordinarily quiet, he was usually cracking a joke, or making up a cheesy pick-up line that would make everyone groan.
"Lance? Buddy you still there?"

Hunk's voice cracked over the intercom.

"Oh yeah, I'm still here."

Lance's quiet voice came through the intercom, and it was followed by silence. No one thought to say something after what Lance said. Shiro broke the silence,

"Okay guys, so we are nearing the Planet X."
The space near the Planet looked dark, like in a sci-fi movie type of dark. As the loins neared the Planet, they too felt uncomfortable and so did the team. It was eerie, and it didn't feel right, to say. As the loins landed on the Planet, and the team opened up the doors to step on the Planet, they were greeted by cold and unwelcoming air.

"The air is breathable guys, we can take off our helmets,"

Pidge spoke through her helmet, to the rest of the team. Lance was the last getting out of Blue, and he slowly walked up to the group. No one noticed him, walking up to the group, and they continued to have their chatter among themselves.
As they took off their helmets and they took in the first breathe, even the oxygen was cold. It was bitter and freezing, but still, it was breathable. It was better than not having breathable air than nothing. Shiro stood in front of the team as he was front and centre of them and he spoke in a low tone, forcing the rest of the team to move closer,

"All right guys, we all know what we are doing?"

Everyone nods.

"Good so we are going to the base, that isn't far from here, so we can walk to the base, and we need to find as much information as we can. Pidge and Hunk, go together and find the information base, and get all the data you can collect. Keith, you are coming with me, and we are going to clear a path for Hunk and Pidge. Lance find as many captures you can find and bring them back here. Wait for everyone else to come back and then we can leave Planet X. Everyone got that?"

Everyone silently nodded again.

"Good, now split up and let's go. We don't know what's in there or what type of defences they have. Please be careful and communicate through the intercoms on your suits that Pidge installed recently."

Pidge smiles as her name got mentioned and everyone but Lance turned to her and congratulated her for making the new intercoms. No one noticed Lance's behaviour and quickly disregarded his quietness from his loud and outbursting behaviour.
The team all split up into their groups or by themselves, as Lance was by himself and they quickly and quietly moved to the base.

The base itself was simple. It was quite large, and it was mainly made out of this type of steel that no one has seen before. It looked like wood, but when Hunk tried to barge into it, it was like steel. It was genius, from the alien or the thing that created it, Pidge muttered to herself as she was taking photos of the base before them.

While team Punk was at the front of the base, Keith and Shiro were at the back of the base. They were trying to find a way through the base, which was easy despite having a bright structure to it.

As soon as Keith and Shiro got to the back of the base, they found a door. It was a dull and straightforward door. It was hard to see from far away, but as soon as you got up close to the door, they could easily see the door. Keith and Shiro looked at each other and shrugged. It was a door, it didn't look like a trap, but the pair were ready for anything. They opened the door and walked in. They only took a couple of steps, in case the door was a trap and the enemy were going to pop out of nowhere, but nothing happened. It was an empty hallway, with lots of entries. Shiro and Keith looked at each other again, with concerned looks.
Lance, on the other hand, went on the side like the rest of the team took all other accesses. Once again, there was a door. Lance was surprised by himself. It was just a door, that was in the middle of the base. It was like almost it was set up. Lance carefully stepped through the door himself. It was quiet...too quiet.
Team Punk got through a door after Hunk tried to get through the front of the base, in different ways but Pidge' conventionally found a door' which Hunk claims that Pidge had found the door the whole time and Pidge just waited to see if Hunk found the door. Pidge muttered an insult under her breathe as they made their way through the door. It was another hallway that was empty. Hunk and Pidge looked at each other, with concern running through their minds.
"Hey, guys?" Hunk's nervous voice cracked through the intercoms. "Is anybody else getting an empty hallway with lots of doors like every horror movie ever?"
"Yeah man, I'm getting the same vibe over here too." Keith's voice spoke through the intercom. No one heard from Lance's side.
"Lance?" Shiro called through his intercom, worry lacing his words and there was no response still.
"I think he's just flirting with some alien chick that he found," Pidge spoke through her intercom. Everybody silently agreed with each other and continued with what they were assigned.
Pidge and Hunk went through the first door and found nothing. They went through the second door and once again, found nothing. They went through the third door and found a weird creature locked up in a cage. It was a cage that kept the creature inside through some power. The creature looked cute...it was a smaller creature with massive bright blue eyes, like the ocean. It had long floppy ears- just like a dog from Earth. However, one feature it completes differed from the dogs on Earth, it had no paws, or legs or arms...it was just a body. The dog creature was afloat, being held up by some magic. Pidge scanned the creature.
"I wouldn't touch the dog, creature I would say Hunk." Hunk whined and turned to Pidge.
"Why not Pidge? It looks so cute and adorable..." Pidge sighed softly and fixed her rather large and round glasses.
"Hunk, the creature is a danger. It may not have a body, but it will suck you up. Kind of like Kirby...but this Kirby- if it feels threatened, it will spit this fluid that will attach to your skin and burn your skin from the inside out very slowly- "
"Stop! I don't want to hear anymore!" Hunk clasped his hands over his ears. Pidge shook her head, and Hunk and Pidge went down to the third door...
Shiro and Keith, similar to Pidge and Hunk, found just empty rooms while searching through the first and second doors and when they got to the third door, they found a surprise to say the least. There were creatures, aliens, of all different types, just standing, huddling together in handcuffs. Shiro looked at Keith, and Shiro carefully walked forward to the creatures. As Shiro neared to the creatures. One of the creatures noticed Shiro's presence and let out a deafening shrill sound and then the other creatures started to follow to make that piercing sound. Keith grabbed Shiro, and they quickly shut the door. They both looked at each other, shock on both of their faces.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2019 ⏰

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