4 - Azra

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Rethsrond, Kingdom of Gadolin

Flowertide, 2339

"Did you sleep well?"

Azra looked up as the duke entered the room.

"I hope your quarters were comfortable and appropriate," he continued. "I've never hosted a priestess overnight, of course, and certainly not a Messenger of God."

"More than adequate, Duke Brebant. Thank you for your hospitality and for sending Sir Coulon to rescue me." Azra nodded toward the knight who stood quietly near his master.

"I only regret that I could not have rescued you myself or at least greeted you upon your arrival yesterday. I was delayed at my uncle's court. The king is fond of both late night and early morning councils. And this was a series of councils I simply could not miss."

"I hope your assistance to me has not caused you trouble," Azra said.

"It will, but I think my uncle will value my contributions to the coming war with Toninbern more than making an example out of my religious views. What's more important is your preservation. Your teachings have inspired me toward heresy, it seems." Brebant smiled childishly.

"My flock are guilty of no heresies, Duke, I assure you. I would sooner perish than lead any of God's people astray. I speak only from the holy books of the Messengers and my visions. Those visions were initially difficult for me to accept, but it seems God has placed a strong faith in the hearts of so many."

"I among them," Brebant said. "Such that my uncle warned me directly, just this afternoon, to distance myself from you and the Congregants. Alas, my heart is Congregant through and through. Please, count me among your most passionate disciples."

"I'm grateful for your faith and would welcome any protection you could offer to my followers. But I remain troubled by the dangerous position it would place you in. Perhaps if the risk is truly great, your uncle would—"

"My safety will be in my own hands and is not for you to worry about. What concerns me now is you. And we Congregants as a whole. After council, the king affirmed to me his intention to arrest you, your father, and your closest disciples."

Azra placed her hand over her mouth as her breath stuttered. "Under what offense?"

"Betrayal of the realm. Incitement of divisions. And heresy of the highest order."

"This is the archbishop's work . . ."

"Indeed. Gautrand must have persuaded the king to deal with you before Toninbern. Thus, the danger is immediate."

"I must return to Avilmerg to warn Father and Risbaume."

"It's too late for them, I'm afraid," Brebant said. "Soldiers were dispatched earlier and have surely reached Avilmerg by now. But I have made arrangements for you and any others, if we hurry."

"Arrangements? I'll not hide and cower any longer. I must—"

"You must hide, but you needn't cower. Our priority is your protection so that as Fourth Messenger, you can take your rightful place at the head of the church once the obstinate minds have been cleared away. But if you insist on openly speaking your case, they'll kill you and quash the Congregants."

"Kill me, a priestess?"

"Surely it's not difficult to imagine. A false disciple came at you with a knife last year, correct? And the man with the ax last night. And all those who have followed or watched you on prior nights. This archbishop is finished with clever tactics, I assure you. He intends to purge the church with violence that will be largely hidden within the coming war with Toninbern."

"I cannot be the cause of this." Azra placed her face in her hands.

"Perhaps God has placed you in my hands. Will you trust me?"

Azra looked at the duke through watery eyes. He was a handsome, brash young man, perhaps only a year or two older than she. Azra felt he had a good heart. She blinked away the tears and nodded.

"Good. The king's men will undoubtedly come here soon. Sir Coulon will take you to my family's estate out at Velemond. It's far enough from all this and should give me time to organize support for the Congregants."

"Most are not warriors," Azra said. "Only Risbaume and his group can wield the sword."

"More of them are warriors than you realize. Many will fight for the true faith. They must defend themselves now if you are to lead later."

"I do not wish blood to be spilled on my behalf."

"Blood is set to spill, whether you wish it or not. In fact, last night was already bloody if what I heard at council was true. Some Congregants who assembled outside the archbishop's basilica were killed or arrested. The Congregants must defend themselves, Azra. They must survive in body and in faith."

"Are you not afraid of what will happen to you because of your support for us?"

"I fear only the judgment of God if I don't. Now, leave me to my work and go with Coulon to Velemond. Once there, rest yourself and pray for us."

"God be with you."

"And you, Messenger Azra."

Copyright © 2019 by Christopher C. Fuchs

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