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The Fourth Messenger is part of the expanding world of Earthpillar. Lords of Deception is the first of three novels to be rapidly released (October 12, 2019), followed by December and February releases. If you like how The Fourth Messenger is going, you'll love the full-length novels.

What is Earthpillar? Novels and "half-tales" written with flavors of epic fantasy, alternative history, and steampunk. Earthpillar stories are set in a world in which the Earth evolved differently. New continents, new peoples, new materials and technologies, blended with political intrigue, conflict, and exploration. Most Earthpillar stories--which span from prehistory to the steam age--are linked together in surprising ways, and are written from multiple character perspectives.

If you enjoy the depth of Tolkien, the swashbuckling adventure of Dumas, and the character struggles of Martin, the world of Earthpillar is one you'll want to explore.

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