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i'm not like them, but i can pretend

ECHO woke up abruptly and heard a noise outside her bedroom door

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ECHO woke up abruptly and heard a noise outside her bedroom door. She slowly got up and approached her door, and made her way out into the hall.

She froze when she saw a horrified Elena standing with a half naked Jenna and Alaric. "What—"

The three of them turned to Echo, and Jenna groaned, closing her eyes. "Not another one." She looked up at the youngest twin. "That's was us. Sorry."

Alaric chuckled nervously. "Well...I'm naked. So I'm gonna go." Alaric quickly escaped.

Jenna turned to the girls. "I'm really, really sorry."

"It's okay, Jenna," Elena said with a smile. "Don't worry about it."

"I know he's been staying over a lot. Are you—Are you guys sure it's ok?"

Echo nodded, trying to keep from laughing as she said, "As long as I don't have to see that again. I'm good." Actually, she wouldn't mind seeing that again because Alaric was hot as hell.

Elena smiled and then turned back to Jenna. "Seems like things are good."

Jenna blushed. "They're extremely good."

"Then I think I can say for the both of us. That we're extremely okay with it," Echo stated before they walked back to their room.

THE next morning, Echo sat at the kitchen table, stuffing her face with a bagel when there was a knock on the door.

Elena walked down the stairs, and opened the door, revealing Damon and Stefan. "Hey, can we talk?" Stefan asked Elena.


"We went to see Katherine," Damon stated.

Elena sighed and said, "Come on in."

The brothers headed into the kitchen to see Echo was making herself another cup of coffee. She turned around, taking a sip of the hot goodness before asking, "So what'd she say?"

"She said if we got her out of the tomb, she'll give us the Moonstone and she'll disappear from Mystic Falls forever," Stefan explained, looking at the brunettes.

"You don't believe her, do you?" Elena asked.

Damon immediately shook his head, tossing an orange between his hands as he said, "No, of course not. We just want the Moonstone."

"According to Rose's friend, Slater, there's another way," Stefan said, "There's a way to destroy the spell that Klaus wants to break. No spell, no doppelganger sacrifice and you both are safe."

Echo sighed and asked, "How do you destroy it?"

"By releasing it from the Moonstone," Stefan explained.

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