Lelouch explores Tokyo

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                         Lelouch's POV

                       *opens my eyes*

    "Ughhhhhh... What happened?" I feel like all the energy was drained out of me. As I looked up, I saw C.C. beside me sleeping. Last thing I remember, I saw C.C naked. Well, at least she's wearing clothes this time.

    "I think I'll take a walk around town.  I haven't seen much while I've been here. Oh! That reminds me, I should probably get some food. I bet she's probably starving right about now." I thought. "I'll be back." I whisper. As I head down the hall, I overheard some people talking about a case. I heard things like "How can we kill Kira?, I have a plan, I don't get it.' Sounds like they were investigators. I probably shouldn't get involved.

    I continued walking out of the hotel and explored Tokyo. "Wow! What a sight, looks similar to what Japan looked like before Britannia took over." I admired the view. This place sure has alot of busy streets compared to what Britannia was like.  Even the cars were more stylish in this time period!

    As I was walking along the sidewalk, I notice that there's a lot of massive screens on the sides of buildings, broadcasting ads or the news. On one of these massive televisions, I notice that they're talking about Kira. I wonder who this Kira is, what the news is saying, it seems like he's some serial killer/anti-hero.

    I walk over to a supermarket and pick up some groceries. As I was about to check out, I just realized I don't have any money. Oh no! What do I do? Wait a second, I have geass. "Hello! How are you?" The cashier asks. "I'm doing good." I respond. After he scanned all the food, "That'll be 2500 yen (about $23)." He said. "I don't have to pay you anything, this is free." I command him as I took off my colored contact. "This is free, have a nice day." He said in a monotonous tone.

   Before I left,  I saw the guy behind me express confusion all over his face.  He was probably thinking about what just happened. When he went up to the cashier, he walked away with his groceries too. "Hey! What are you doing? You didn't pay!" The cashier man yelled at him. "But you let this guy walk out without paying!" He complained. By the time he was pointing at me, I was already running. I'm not sure what happened to him but he probably came home wrapping his mind around how I simply walked out of the supermarket without paying.

    Before I returned to the hotel, I also went to a park. Mmm.... Cherry Blossom...... Got to love their aroma. I sat down on a bench and I just sat there for awhile. I watched people come and go, while I just sat there, admiring nature around me. I saw some newly wed couples, families, forever alone people, they all come and go. While I was sitting here, I saw a small child crying near a tree.

    "Hey, are you okay?" I ask her. She wipes the tears off her face. "I can't find my mom." She continues to cry. I get down on my knees to show that I want to help her. "Don't worry,  I'm sure we'll find your mom somehow." I comfort her. "Thank you."

    "Where did you last see your mom?" I ask her. "Over on that hill." She pointed towards a small hill over at the picnic grounds. "She said that she'll be back, but I was waiting on that hill for two hours now." She told me. Oh man, her mom probably isn't coming back. What do I do?

    "Well, right now, we should probably go to the police and ask them for help." I suggest to her. She agreed, so we went to one of the park rangers and they started searching for her mom. "Do you know what her name is?" The ranger asked. "Her name is Touka Sayou." She told them. "What does she look like?" The ranger asked. "Here's a photo of her." She pulled a picture out of her pocket. Her mom looked like she was 5' 7", she had brown hair, hazel eyes, and she wore a brown coat. I grabbed my phone out and took a snapshot of the photo."Hey, I'll be back. I'm gonna do some investigating myself. Don't worry we'll find your mother, I promise." I promised her.

    Man, where do I start? Hmmm. I walk over to the hill she pointed at earlier and I start interrogating people. I take off my colored contact again. "Have you seen this woman?" I ask a stranger. "No, I haven't." The stranger answers. I continue asking the same question to 20 other people and they all give the same answer. Finally, after 20 minutes of interrogating, a man saw her. "I saw her walking with another guy towards the restroom." The man said. "Thx." I sprinted over to the bathroom stalls.

    When I arrived at the bathrooms,  I heard screaming. "Deep breaths, we got this." I tried mentally preparing myself. As I stealthily entered the male restrooms, I found blood slowly trickling down one of the toilets. I kicked the stall door and a man rushed out of the door with a knife and stabbed me. "I command thee to die!" I commanded him. He jerked the knife out of me. "Yes my lord," were his final words before he punctured himself with the knife and committed suicide. As he died, a giant migrain hit me. I felt like I was about to vomit. In my mind, I saw a ton of numbers flash before me and then suddenly change to another number.

    I rushed to the woman's aid. Looked like she took quite a bit of a beating. "Are you okay?" I asked her as I put my colored contacts back on. "Yeah. Is my daughter okay?" She asked. "Yes, she's fine. We need to get you to a hospital!" I told her. I carried her out of the bathroom stalls and tried to find help.

    Later that day, we managed to get her to the hospital and reunited Touka with her daughter again. "Phew! What a day!" I commented as I entered the hotel room. "Where have you been?! I'm so hungry!" C.C. rushed towards me and pushed me to the floor. "Oh! Sorry, I went out to get groceries. Sorry I didn't come sooner but I got a little involved in finding a kid's mom." I explained to her. "Ah, it's ok, but right now, your priority is to make me something to eat." She demanded. "Don't you know how to cook?" I asked. "No! Your usually cooking for me." She informed me.  Really? Well, I didn't know that. "Well, I guess it's time for me to teach you how to cook then." I sighed.

Code Geass: Lelouch Vi BritanniaWhere stories live. Discover now