Tick tock

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    "Good afternoon, my good man. I see that you've been snooping around quite a bit. I'd like to know your thoughts about it." The teenager requested. He has to be L! One looked pretty old, a man with a biker vest, a nerd, a brunette with short hair, and L all gathered around me, waiting for my answer.

    I have to think about how I'm going to answer this. He's the smartest detective in the world, I need to indulge him somehow to keep him from brainwashing me-----or worse. "Well, before I am to share my knowledge of you and the investigation, I'd like you to tell me what you intend on doing to me." I responded. "Depends on what you know." He immediately commented. I should probably stick to being on L's good side if I want to live.

    "I know who Kira is. I know your location, I have an idea of the limitations of Kira's power, I know you're L, and that I can help you with your investigation." I said. "How exactly might you be able to help?" He asked me. "Let's just say that I have intel on how Kira might be able to kill. Not only that,  but I'm sure you wouldn't want me to tell Kira where you are." I smirked. "We already know how he kills. We won't require your assistance. Now then, how exactly would you like us to dispose of you?" He asked. "Wait.wait.wait.wait. What are you talking about?" I was confused. If he knew how Kira kills then how come he hasn't caught him yet?

    "Kira this time around isn't human. He's immortal, he's a shinigami.We're trying to find a way to kill him." He answered. "Shinigami? Guess this isn't the power of geass?" I mumbled. "I'm sorry, did you say Something?" He asked. "No", I felt nervous.

    "I'm gonna give you a test. If you pass, you can help us with the investigation, but if you fail, we'll get rid of you." He offered. I'll accept his challenge, why not? "Challenge accepted." I told him. "What's my real name?" He asks. Wait, what? How am I supposed to know his real name? Let me think.... His real name most likely has the letter L in it.

    I look around the room and I notice that Near was written on it. Maybe he isn't L. Perhaps this guy is pretending to be L. "Hold on for a second Near. How is he supposed to know your real name? Even we don't know your real name?" The guy in the biker vest said. "Roy, you dumbass!" L scolded him.

    I heard him say Near. Maybe he's not actually L, meaning his name must start with N, not L. His name may relate to the word near. Nick, Nathaniel, Nathan, Nate, Nike,  Nigel, Noah, Nicholas, Neil, Normon, North, Ness, Niall, etc. What could his name possibly be? "Time is ticking." Near said impatiently.

    "Nate!" I yelled. I guessed,  I had no clue of what his name was so I took a leap of faith. A profound look filled Near's face. "Am I right, Nate?" I asked. "How did you know?" I could tell that he was surprised. I didn't think I'd get it right. "I used the word Near to figure it out. I thought of a bunch of names that started with n and Nathaniel was one of them. Nathan means 'god has given' so maybe you were given that name because you're extremely talented. I just guessed the variation of your name." I explained to him.

    "You're smarter than I thought. You may join our investigation, but on one condition." He said. "What might that condition be?" I asked him. "You'll explain to us what geass is? I heard you mumble it earlier?" He asked. Well, I feel like I just screwed up big time. However,  I have to gain his trust so I can either help him or help Kira.

    "The geass.... is a type of power......bestowed onto those from people who once had the geass....." I stutter. "Can you please repeat that?" He asked. "The geass is a power that's given to them from someone who once had the geass." I repeat. "That's interesting. I assume you have the geass?" He asked. I nod and then he asked me to demonstrate.

    I turned to face the brunette woman. " I command thee to be my slave!" Everyone just stood there, seeing what was going to happen next. "Yes, master." She responded. She knelt to the ground, bowing in front of me. I could tell by the look on everyone's faces, they were surprised but slightly frightened of me.

    "How do we know if we're under your command right now?" One of them was distressed. "Don't worry, he hasn't used his power on us, yet." Near calmed everyone. "Why do you suppose that?" I asked him. "Well, if you used it on us, we would've heard you make a command. Second, you had to look at her to make your command, so you would've had to look directly at us. Lastly, we wouldn't have proposed a challenge when you could easily of told us to just let you be apart of the investigation." Near explained.

    "Not too bad, for the greatest detective in the world. I presume that the true L died, since you're not L. Rather, you're known as Near?" I inquire. "Well, yes. L is dead. When L died, the Kira investigation team decided it was best to hide that fact from the rest of the world. After that, Light Yagami, the original Kira, substituted for L and the investigation went to an abrupt halt. I can imagine that you know why. Then, I came along and defeated Kira. Somehow, he returned." A chill went through him as he finished that last sentence.

    "How did L die?" I asked. I think if what I'm thinking is right, then you can kill Kira the same way. "I don't know." He answered. Well, I guess if he knew how L died, this entire investigation wouldn't exist and he wouldn't all of these people's help.

    "However, I have an idea. It's a long shot, but it might work. I made the plan not including you, so if it doesn't work, we'll summon you again." He told me. Guess he doesn't think I can be of any help. I'll show him. Later, they made me promise to secrecy to not tell anybody and that they would have eyes on me until the investigation is over for safety reasons.

    As I was walking back to my hotel room, I felt the presence of something. I turned around and I didn't see anybody, but it gives me the chills. Guess he really does have eyes on me. It's possible that he put hidden cameras and tapping devices on me without knowing. I should probably remove them in a public area.

    All of the sudden, C.C. jolted out of her bed and rushed at me, when I entered the room. "Where have you been?!" I could hear the anger in her voice. "I'm sorry C.C. but I ran into some hotel neighbors." I said half heartedly. I don't think she's buying it. "I know that's not the whole truth. Spit it out!" She demanded. Yep. "Well, I ran into some investigators. Don't worry, I didn't get into any trouble or anything." I told her. "Fine, you can tell me what happened when you're ready to. However, it's evening and I'm feeling hungry again. "That's fine." I comment. I'm starting to wonder if she has some sort of obsession with food. Well, not that I don't mind, but I wonder if she thinks about anything besides food, ever since I supposedly died.

    Rolo told me that I kill Near in three days. Time is ticking, I need to decide if I want to go through with this or if I should change the future.

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