Tom Riddle

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The young 2nd year sat across the room, away from the young Slytherin. The young Ravenclaw student had caught his attention, back a few days ago when she had bested him at Care Of Magical Creatures, a class he, to be frank thought was as useless as the oaf teaching it. He couldn't help but stare at her since. He didn't think it was stalkerish, more just . . . observant. 

Tom could help but notice the way her hair that went down to mid-bottom back sloshed around like a waterfall that cascaded down her straight postured back, or the way her crystal green orbs always observed everything around her like she had never seen the world before, even the simplest of things seemed to intrigue the young one. Or how the young girl never seemed to study but always passed all tests and classes with flying colours. Or how-

"Tom m'boy, surely you know the answer?" Slughorn asked, breaking the boys train of thought. He clenched his jaw, but answers,

"Monkshood is another name for the plant called aconite or wolfsbane. Monkshood is extremely poisonous and must be handled with care to avoid poisoning." He answered, as if he had just read the exact words from a textbook. Tom didn't get why the idiot was teaching this, it was first year stuff, for beginners, not second years.

"Very good m'boy! Take five points to Slytherin!" The teacher praised.

"What an idiot." Abraxas Malfoy, Tom's best friend, and probably one of the very few actual friends he had, whispered. One of his other friends consisted of the Ravenclaw girl's brother, who had got into Slytherin this year, she was proud. Abraxas had his head resting on his chin and was pulling his white blonde hair in annoyment and boredom. 

Tom hummed in agreement, he too was bored. But he knew passing this class was necessary for his future plans. He didn't know exactly what he wanted to do yet, but he knew he wanted something along the lines of become the greatest sorcerer of all time, possibly fitting in the Ravenclaw girl in those plans along the way.

By now, Tom was staring at the 2nd year again, and Abraxas by taking notice of this action was just snickering.


They were standing, not far into the Forbidden Forest for Care of Magical Creatures. Tom's opinion hadn't changed since last year, this was still the stupid class with the stupid oaf who teachs it. His eyes had wandered to the Ravenclaw girl again. The class was talking while they waited for the Professor to bring whatever creature they were learning about this lesson.

"Well, class." The Professor grunted, pulling something behind him. "Today (he grunted again) we are learning about (grunt) hippogriffs. In order to approach the creature, we have to gain it's trust. How?"

Two hands went up. The beautiful girl who gained Tom's attention last year, and her friend, someone with the name of Cole Gamble.

"Yes, Ms. Lynn?" The Professor pointed out to her.

"In order to gain a hippogriffs trust, you must walk to them, bow, and wait. If they bow back, then you gained their trust. If not, then you have to back away, for the danger they might attack." She answered smartly. 

"Great. Anybody want to try?" All the class backed away, except for Tom and her herself, neither of the two noticing for them both being at the front of the crowd.

"Very good Miss Lynn. Now, slowly approach it."

The 3rd year walked up to the Hippogriff, slowly and waited for the next piece of instruction, knowing she couldn't get out of this. Tom's eyes followed her like a hawk, barely blinking.

"Now bow down." She did as told, keeping her eye on the Hippogriff. She waited, and finally the Hippogriff bowed back. She released a shaky breath and gave a lopsided smile. 

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