Twist of Reality

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Biovera, seconds ago ready to fall onto the invitingly soft sofa found herself instead falling from the deep purple sky, the wind whistling past her and trying to cut into her like knives. It was succeeding too to an extent, parts of her flying off her body do to the gel-like consistency of her body. It took her a second to get her mind together, almost literally, to cause a mutation in her body to make her body the standard density of a person, and also to grow the bits of her that she lost. Her preference often had her in a more malleable density and substance, since she has no vital organs in case of injury, but strong winds become a problem. The rest of her brain caught up with her survival instincts, her head tilting down to watch the rushing ground - only to find it inches from her nose.
One painful landing later, she was left to sit up with a reeling mind and sore body. She was still recovering from the surprise trip when she heard a thump off to her left as a white fluffy shape groaned in discomfort. A feathered head popped up and quickly looked around, bright blue eyes staring out from a blue-tinged face. Her hair was a white mess on her head with snow blue ruffled feathers partially framing her small face and petite features, which were now twisted into a grimace. With a push of her arms, she managed to push herself onto her feet with more agility then you would have expected, and settles onto her heels looking up at the sky.
"Rgghh, what was that all about!" she exclaims, not at anything in particular, glaring up at the purple sky. She is a little on the short side, resembling a child in stature matched by her posture, yet her body more developed than that of a child. Bio assumes she is around 1.55 meters tall, her skin tinted a blue-ish white with a small wreath of feathers around her neck and along the back of her arms. She also has a tuft of feathers acting as a tail, her peach-colored shorts having a hole cut in them to make room. It took Bio a surprisingly long time to notice that the sky was purple, a deep vibrant purple instead of the shade of blue named after the sky itself. She was distracted once again though when another shape began to fall from the sky, another person it seemed.
Bio, on her feet in an instant managed to get beneath the quickly descending person. A second later and her knees bent to decrease the shock as someone soft and a bit heavy fell into her arms, and she looked down at whoever it was she had caught. She had a skin color similar to the other person, who was now looking over at them and blinking in surprise, but longer blue hair that draped over her shoulder. She seemed a bit taller than Bio, and more filled out with a figure resembling an hourglass. "Oh, thanks," she said softly and giving a warm smile, which Bio responded to with a nod and gently set her down.
Bio herself was about medium height between the two, with peach-colored skin and short messy hair colored as of the sea, shades of greens and blues. Her eyes were a mix of the same colors, seeming to be constantly swirling with different colors. She wore a basic black tank top and grey shorts, with blue and green tattoos running down her left and right arms going from her shoulders to the base of her hands. She wasn't skinny nor was she fat, somewhere in the middle, with a moderately sized chest yet a fairly large rump.
There was a sound like snapping cords in the air above them and all three looked up in unison to watch as the air seemed to crack, beginning to ripple with energy before shattering like broken glass. In its place was a seemingly blip in reality, a hole with no color or substance that made Bio's head woozy just looking into it. From that hole appeared a figure wreathed in what seemed to be living shadow and confusion, a swarming mass in human shape that the sun couldn't illuminate. "Heyoo, how ya doin'?" it called, seeming to contort in a way resembling someone laying down with their head resting casually on their hand.
It seemed to take everyone's attention almost immediately, and everyone was left with dry mouths. Or at least that's what Bio expected, but she found herself feeling impassive, the shadow's entrance too lackluster to be frightening. The girl with white hair was even beginning to shout up at the black figure. "Did you drop us from 100 feet up into 10-mile winds with nothing to actually soften our fall!?" she cried at the figure, a confused, but angry, frown crossing her face. The feathers around her neck and on her arms were puffed out as if she was trying to look bigger than she was.
"Well yeah, you see anyone else around here able to break reality?" she finished her sentence with a flick of her fingers, and the ground near our feet bulged and rippled, inverting in on itself to become a ditch. "Oh and also you three are all from different timelines who haven't met each other, so you should probably get acquainted," the figure mumbled dismissively, apparently turning to look at the living shadows that were supposed to be her nails. The three of us looked at each other, taking each other in, Bio being the first to speak.
"My name is Biovera... but I prefer to be called Bio..." she started, trying to be cheerful. The white-haired girl smiled, her earlier anger forgotten, and she held out her hand to me.
"Hi, my name's Pomella! It's very nice to meet you - Biovera is a very unique name it sounds pretty - hey did you guys have homes or - " the other girl gently cut off Pomella with a hand on her shoulder, looking patient if slightly annoyed. "My name's Selena, and thank you Bio for catching me," she said with a broad smile in Bio's direction, who did her best to smile back but only managed a quirk of her lips. Since a couple of years ago, she had an extremely difficult time showing emotion, and it irked her to no end. But nevertheless, Selena seemed understanding and her smile widened a tiny bit more before they turned to the figure in the sky.
"Looks like it's going to be another of those universes.." it muttered softly, then shrugged and turned upright, seeming to stand even while floating, then waved her hand. "Chow"
With that one word she suddenly poofed into a tiny explosion of shadows, and the gaping rift behind her stretched wider and wider until snapping shut like a taut rubber band. The three looked at each other, the group unsure what to do next. "We should probably start looking around for something to get us back, right?" Pomella piped up, looking at the two of them for confirmation. She was almost like a child, but in a cute adorable way that was only slightly obnoxious. Bio and Selena both nodded, and the three began to walk across the long golden fronds of the grass.

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