back to konoha

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I was walking in to the village hidden in the leaf. i had not been here for ages, four years to be exact.  Itachi took me with him, after the Uchiha massacre. He permitted me to travel around, so i could learn new techniques. I adored my brother, and his best friend Shisui. They trained me, since my father did not let me go to the academy no matter how much i pestered him about it. I had to stay home, while my mother taught me how to act like a lady, i never cared about it, and i definitively thought that it would not matter. I knew the truth about the massacre, i knew what Danzo did, among any other things. i came to visit my twin brother and the family grave. I never got along with Sasuke, he had what i wanted, the chance to make friends, to become a ninja. i learned that being a ninja is just overpraised. Our father liked me less, then he liked Sasuke. sometimes i wondered if he even cared at all.                                                                                                                            

i saw the gates. I saw Izumo and Kotetsu, they were both 20 when i left. They had just become chunin. i walked over to them.

"who are you?" asked kotetsu                                                                                                                                           "do you not remember me?" i asked. they both shook their heads.                                                              " Kathrine Uchiha" i said. they looked at me with their eyes wide open.                                                       "you have been gone a long time" izumo stated.                                                                                                    " i know" "Can i see the Hokage?" i asked.

They let me in. This was way to easy, they should really strengthen their security. i was mesmerized by the familiar buildings. I never thought that i would miss this place so much. i walked up to the Hokage building and went inside. i teleported to the outside of the office. i Knocked twice. The hokage told me to come inside. I carefully opened the doors and hoped nobody else would be there. i bowed.

"Lord Hokage?" i asked                                                                                                                                                         "is that you, Katherine?" he asked. i nodded.                                                                                                        "i was made aware, that you were still alive, but i never would have thought that you would return."                                                                                                                                                                                          " i am not planning on staying, i just wanted to pay my respect"

He chuckled. " are you sure? did you not always want to be a ninja?" I sighted. " i did" " do you want to be a ninja of the hidden leaf?" i was beyond surprised, i never would have thought that he would want me as a ninja. " yes, i would be more than happy to, Lord Hokage2 i answered politely."you can join a genin team, they might need a bit of extra aid" i saluted.He told me that i can leave, so that i could find my brother. 

Nowi had to find Sasuke, i needed a place to stay after all. I had toadmit, that i was scared to meet him, i have not seen him in years, iam not sure he even knows that i am alive. All of a sudden i spotteta blonde boy running towards me, and before i knew it, we were bothon the ground."hey, i'm sorry i bumped into you" said theblonde boy. "its ok, my name is Kathrine, whats yours?" Iasked polite. "Naruto" the blond boy, Naruto answerd.

"doyou by any chance know who Uchiha Sasuke is?" I asked Naruto.

"yeahhis in my team, do you want to meet him?" Naruto asked

"yeah"i answerd

"follow me datteboy" said Naruto

"ok"was all i said.I followed Naruto and then i saw Sasuke, he looked so cold, what has happend these past years? Is this beacuse of Itachi,beacause he saved us? I walked up to Sasuke, i let out a small hey.He did not even look at me, like i was beneath him, like i was apiece of trash that he had to take out.

"itis nice to look at peole when they they talk to you, you known commoncurtesy" " who are you?" he asked. I whispered my nameslowley and coldely. He looked at me, his eyes wide open and his facefull of suprise. " i thought you were dead" "sometimes i think that too, i've been on a mission, i had to go deepundercover, i just wraped it up, and i am back for good, i promise."

Mymission was classefied, only known by the elders and a handful oftrusted shinobi, while gone i pledged my loyality to the Akatstuki. They saved me and always kept an eye out for me in case anything whereto happen. They became my brothers and my sister. They were the bestfriends i could ever ask for, and sadly enought i could never see them again, but we knew that since the very beginning

Sasuke enveloped me in a hug, i kind of missed this, i slowely hugged him back. "what is going on?" Naruto asked really confused. So this is the guy pein kept talking about? He seems interestng. "we are siblings" i answered.


first of all, i hope you liked, what you have read so far. This book is under major editing. this chapter used to have 67 words, and now, it has around 970. i have combined 3 of the former short chapters to speed things up.

 I started this 5 years ago, and i had an immature language back then. Feel free to correct my mistakes and give constructive criticism. the updates are slow and are depending on my motivation, time and memory. i have changed some details, and they may not add up all the chapters yet. 

i will leave the events and arcs in the chapter tittle to avoid spoilers. an example is Zabuxa sensei. i hope you will bear with me, and thank you for reading and giving my book a chance.  

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