Chapter three

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Harry's prov

I still can't believe everyone saw my booty today. I'm so embarrassed. At least its a free period right now so I don't have to face anyone.

I went to the gym and got changed into my sports bra and leggings. I put on my phone on the speaker and put on Michael Jackson's threatened. I danced a little as a warm up.

The next song came which was Sia chandelier. I let the music flow though me and danced my heart out (AN: imagine that he's dancing like the little girl in chandelier ) I was so into the music I couldn't hear anything else except it. The shunned everything else.

Narrator's prov

Harry was so into the music, he didn't hear when the other kids came in. The senior kids were there at the gym for PT (physical training )

They went inside and saw Harry dancing. He was moving so gracefully with style. Making delicate spins and turns, tumbles and cartwheels. Moving so amazingly, so beautifully. No one knew he could move like this everyone stood still and watched.

Harry's prov

I danced and danced with all my heart. I felt the music move me. I wasnt there. I let the emotion of the song carry me and move my limbs. When the music finally stopped I basked in it's glory. I was startled and brought back to reality by sound of people clapping hands. I didn't know I had an audience. I turned around and took a bow.

"What's your name kid?" questioned the the cheerleader coach. "It's Harry Styles ma'am." I replied. "Well then Harry Styles I hope to see you at cheerleading practice tomorrow."


"Coach you're not really thinking about doing this are you. I mean she's not even that good. She'll just bring our name down."

Uurrrggghhhhh..... Gigi fucking Hadid is such a bitch. I mean ever since we were little she's had this petty rivalry with me just because Zayn pays more attention to me the her. I mean bitch get over it. I know his hot but he doesn't want. She always trying to get Zayn's attention even going as far as dressing sluty. I hate her so much.

"Gigi, who is the coach her again? That's right me not you. Who makes the final desicion? Again me not you so I say what goes on in the team and if I say someone is in I mean they are in. Are we clear?"

Haaahaaaa, take that you annoying bitch thank God someone put in her place. She really loves to think that she owns the place just coz she's popular. Well slut you dont own anyone and you not charming me or coach with you're fake ass smile and ugly puppy eyes.

"Crysal." she said with a rejected voice. "Sorry coach I didn't mean to sound desrespectful."

"Dont do it again miss Hadid next time consider yourself suspended from the squad."

I watched her catwalk out of the gym with her skanks running behind her,shaking her little booty. Bitch there aint nothing that what you shaking hoe? Your back. Oh Lord I so wish I could kick her ass just once

"So, I'll see you tomorrow kid?" the coach asked turning around to face me.

"Yes, coach I'll be there see you tomorrow." I said while taking my bag and phone to head to lunch. Niall must be so mad at me. I'm sure he'll forgive me when hears about what happened at the gym today.


"Slut, where the fuck have you been. I've been for you for ten minutes now. You know the rule you can only be 5 minutes late." Niall said taking an angry bit out of his granola bar.

"Calm down hoe. You wont believe what happened at the gym just now. That motherfucking hoe Gigi Hadid got put in her place by coach Agrest. You should have seen it, it was like a damn movie."

"NO FUCKING WAY!!!!!!!!! Bitch tell me more."

I told Niall the whole story. From the begnning to the end. Not leaving any detail out.

"Congratulations hoe. I'm so fucking proud of you and it's been so long since someone put that bitch in her place. I mean when is she going to stop this petty rivarly with you. Can't she see that Zayn doesn't like her and never will. I mean get over it."

Okay, so if you haven't noticed Niall hates Gigi as much as I do. I mean she's been bugging us since primary school. She's like literally ating on us for something we can't control. I can't believe I was friends wih that bitch...................

Oh wait I didn't tell. We all use to be friends in primary. Until her beauty and blondness got into her head (AN: sorry to all the blondes out there you're hair is beautiful) and all of a sudden she decided that we weren't pretty enough for her friendship. She really hurt our feelings and in grade 7 she decided that she was meant to be with Zayn. Sorry for her my boo didnt even give her the time of day. So she's been competing with us to get Zayn's attention.

"So friday is casual day so what are you going to wear."

So casual day is one of the rare days at school where the actually allow us as students to ditch our uniforms and wear our own clothes. This is the day wear you can impress you crush by showing of you're curves.

"I dont know yet Niall but maybe after school we can go to my house and you can help me pick something cute to wear."

"Okay, love I'll swing by but you also have to help me."

"No problem."


Fuck that bell can be so annoying sometimes.

"What lesson is it now?"

What would Niall do without me in this life time.

"It's music for both of us then you have maths and I have physics."

"Thanks bitch see you after school. Love you."

'"Love you to friend. Kisses."

hope you guys enjoyed this chapter plz tell me if there is something you dont understand.

HOW MUCH I LOVE YOU {ZARRY ♡} (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now