3rd day: Missing dog

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Bruno wakes up late and sees all the other dogs gathered at outside garden of Dog hospital. Billy and Felicia are in the corner.

"What's happening?" Bruno asked Billy

"Mikey. Mikey's missing." Billy answered

"He shouldn't have left. It's dangerous out there. It's better here than the pound." Felicia said

"How are they sure? I'm sure he's just somewhere in this building." Bruno said

"There are 46 other dogs in this hospital and the nurses counted 10 times already, we are supposed to be 47." Felicia said "I'm going inside to find more info."

"I'll come with you." Bruno said

"Okay, fine." Felicia and Bruno left the outside garden.

"May! Max!" Billy called May and Max. May is a female golden retriever and Max is a male beagle. "We need to find Mikey." Billy said

"Umm okay. How are we gonna find him?" May asked

"We go outside." Billy answered

"What?! At this date?" Max exclaimed

"Billy, I don't know." May said

"I think I know where he is." Billy said

In the information center, Bruno and Felicia sneaks in and finds Mikey's owner. They listen in the conversation.

"Where is Mikey?" Mikey's owner asked

"Sir we are trying our best to find him." The nurse said

Bruno and Felicia backs off. "Mikey told us that his owner threw a vase at him. How come his owner is so worried about him?" Bruno asked himself

"Maybe a different owner?" Felicia asked

"Maybe. Look!" Bruno sees Billy, May and Max sneaking there way out of the hospital.

Bruno and Felicia follows them. "Where are you guys going?" Bruno asked

"We are going to find Mikey, you can come with us if you want but I prefer you two stay." Billy said

"No I want to come." Bruno said

"I'll also come. There is nothing to do here." Felicia said

"You just want to come because you just want to escape, right? We are not escaping, we'll return after we find Mikey. Bruno I think is your name." May said

"Yes. Umm who are you?" Bruno asked

"Bruno this is May and Max, friends of mine." Billy said "Look, Bruno. If you really love your owner you'll wait. Because what if you escaped and you don't know where to go. Your owner came here asking where you are until you end up in the pound or worst. Escaping this nice place with nice people and dogs is like refusing a good treat with a bad treat." Billy said

"Here we are at the emergency exit." Max said

"I'll hold the door." Billy said

Then a nurse saw them "Co-nurse! The dogs!"

"Go! Go! Go!" Billy exclaimed

"I'll hold them off! You guys go!" May said. May pushes both 2 nurses but another nurse with a stick came and leashes May. "Go!" May shouted.

The group got their way out of the hospital. 2 nurses are chasing them through the alley but their path is blocked.

As the nurses surround them a street dog  appeared shouting "You 4 in here!" The street dog growled at the 2 nurses while the others escape in a hole at the wooden wall to the inside of an abandoned building. The street dog hold the nurses back as he escapes.


In an abandoned building, Bruno, Billy, Felicia, Max and the street dog lost the nurses.

The street dog came and introduce himself. "Your welcome, house dogs. My name is Home." Home is an indian pariah dog.

The group introduce themselves;

"My name is Bruno."

"The name is Billy."

"I'm Max."


"Hmmm seems like you are losing words there. Let's get straight to the point, why are you house dogs outside with no owners? You should really be careful, especially if the pound is now wearing pink, pink? Hahaha."

Bruno laughs nervously

"Answer the question!" Home said

"We are outside because we are looking for a friend." Billy said

"Who?" Home asked

"Mikey, he is a chinese crested dog. Have you seen anything?" Billy asked

"Hahaha! What the hell is a chinese crested dog? You house dogs are giving each other weird breed names. From what I've learned, there are only 2 dog breeds; House dogs and street dogs!" Home said

"We should really get going." Felicia said

"Oh you think your so smart you should go, huh. I can tell I hate you already." Home said

"I agree about that, street dog." Felicia said

"We just really wanna find our friend, thank you for the rescue but we don't have anything to offer." Max said

"Yes you do. Where did you come from?" Home asked

"We have no owners today because we got out of the Dog hospital to find our friend. If you won't help us then we're leaving." Billy answered

As the group leaves, "The Dog hospital? I've always wanted to go there." Home said

"Well too bad." Felicia said

"Hey! Listen! Your friend is a small dog with hair only in his head, right?" Home asked

"Yes?" Billy said

"If I lead you where your chinese hairless dog friend is, you would let me inside the Dog hospital!" Home said

"Easy." Max said

"Deal." Billy said

"Why would you want to go to the Dog hospital? You're leaving free here, you don't want no owner and you can always escape dog catchers." Bruno asked

"But do I have food? Luxury? Massages? M... Friends... Do I?! I will help. Please just let me inside the Dog hospital after." Home said

"Okay, we'll try our best to get you in." Billy said

"Great! I saw your friend going to Declair Homes, I can take you there!" Home said

"No..." "Okay!" Bruno interrupted Felicia.

"We should really be going, it's getting late." Max said

"Follow me!" Home leads the way to Declair Homes.

5:06 pm

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