Beginning of Part 2, Chapter 4- Windpaw

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"Heh, a Gathering tonight? I bet it's gonna be pretty great." It was already sunhigh when I woke up, and I was normally the first out of all the cats in Windclan to wake up. I've been told that I should be in ShadowClan, but there's a rule in the warrior code, and it's the first rule. I'm not really wanting to be a warrior though. I'd rather be a medicine cat. It seems more... me, I should say. I'm still an apprenticem but that won't stop me from becoming a medicine cat. I went looking for the other apprentices, to hunt food for the elders, like all apprentices do. Saw some stupid Rouge on the way. Should probably tell the Leader that. When I was done, and it was almost dark, I headed off to where the gathering would be held. 'Sunhigh...' I thought. 'That's when the gathering ends...'

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