Chapter 5- Crashpaw

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I'm surprisingly fast for how short I am. I'm lightly teased because of it, but I just forget of, let it roll of my back. I was also pretty good at hunting, and for more food for the elders. I eh... heh, need some help every now and then. And, I may not be a warrior, but I respect their code. I KNOW I was born to be a warrior, and possibly a good one! But I don't think I should get my hopes up, too high. "Uh, Thunderpaw? I, um, haha.. kinda, need some help." "Sure. I'll do that." He gets my kill pile that had some rabbits, mice- and for the medicine cats- some berries and plants. Just to be nice, because they've been running low on herbs and such. I also made sure I didn't get any Death Berries. "Let's go back to camp!" I picked up his kill pile, and headed off to the camp, following Thunderpaw. When I need help, it sometimes looks like he's gotten more, but he says that I got the pile he was carrying. He also knows that sometimes I get things for the medicine cats, so they can tell who hunted what. I then gave the herbs and berries to the Medicine Cats, and put my kill in the Fresh-Kill pile. This hasn't been a bad day, thankfully!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2014 ⏰

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