After round 3

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"I can't believe we won!" A white haired girl cheered as she gave everyone beverages.

"Me neither. The magazine has been printed." A male said bluntly.

"Read it then!" A female said.

"The fabulous winners! Minerva and Sting have won the couple competition!" Yukino cheered.

Sabretooth had won the competition.

Everyone was cheering, at their wonderful win, but a slight frown grazed Minervas face, her brows ever so slightly scrunched. Minerva exited the party and took in the fresh air.

Something was bothering her.

"Why are you here? Outside? M'lady?" A blonde man asked taking a seat next to her.

"Just thinking, Sting." Minerva answered.

"Something is on your mind, what is it?" Sting asked.

"Well... the way we won..."

"No. I thought I should win this, but I have no heart to play on with the game as we are," Juvia Shouted.

"What do you mean?" Gray asked partly confused, everything seemed okay last time, when they were training.

"I thought we were really bonding and that kiss." Juvia stopped as she caressed her lips. "Did it have no meaning?" She managed to cough up trying to hold in the tears.

"I don't understand," Gray whispered.

"You liked the kiss? Or do you like someone else?" Juvia said closing her eyes.

As that was unfolding Sting screamed "white dragon roar!" Pushing both Juvia amd Gray to the ground.

Minerva soon followed and fought so Gray and Juvia don't get back up. "Unison Raid!" Minerva said.

"Yes." Sting said and together Minerva and Sting won the fight.

"Well thats the end of the Round 3: combination! And now we have our winners... Sting and Minerva, which gives Sabretooth an automatic space to the grand magic games!" Ginger said into the mic.

Cheers could be heard around the stadium.

"Well come back to the stadium in 6 month for grand magic games! This is last day for the couple competition that means you will see me in a year!"

"I'm Ginger and it was wonderful being your host, I will see you next year! Ginger signing off!" Ginger said flying into the air, the exceeds figure turning smaller.

The couple competition has officially ended.

"What do you mean? We didn't cheat!" Sting said offended.

"That's not what I meant! I mean... what happened to Juvia and Gray!" Minerva said.

"What happened?" Sting asked.

"They really should have won..." Minerva sighed.

"What do you... your right but in the end we won... we didn't cheat either! I don't see why you should feel guilty! They were the ones who ended their chance to win!" Sting said trying to cheer the mood up.

"Your right... but its not exactly..." Minerva started.

"Exactly what?" Sting asked.

"Guilt. Its not guilt its more... I want to know... like what actually happened!" Minerva explained

"I mean Juvia said something! What was it?" Sting said trying to help out.

"Something about The Kiss, and how He didn't mean it." Minerva said from the top of her memory.

"Shouldn't you tell Erza or someone about this?" Sting suggested.

"I should! Shouldn't I?" Minerva said.

"You should! Obviously." Sting sassed back.

"Of course, Master..." Minerva giggled.

"Don't call me that!" Sting groaned but smiled.

"Lets go in!" Minerva commanded.

The following day Minervas' message was received by Erza.

"Hey! Cana!" Erza called out, at the depressed brunette who wasn't drinking.

"What...?" Cana groaned.

"Its not your fault... you know that right?" Erza said trying to comfort the girl.

"It was MY fault!" Cana moaned.

"Well Minerva sent me an message! It may help." Erza said handing the piece of note to Cana.

"Give me it, then." Cana whispered.

"Mhm, huh, what? What? WHAt! WHAT!" Cana screamed.


"I'm out! Imma bring Gray back and Juvia! Watch me!" Cana said her attitude doing an 180 degree turn.

"What was on the letter?" Lucy asked as Cana ran out of the Guild.

"I don't know. All I know is... its about Juvia and Gray," Erza said a gentle smile tugging her lips.

"Well then... I wish Cana luck!" Levy cheered.

"Same here." Lucy agreed.

"I wish them all luck as well." Erza blessed.

Cana ran out a smile that put the sun to shame sculpted on her face. She felt right. This was going to work out.


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