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~Thrird person P.O.V~

As the morning sun shimmers proudly amongst the sky and clatter and chatter is heard from different families in different houses it was clear to say that the day has begun.

However, a house far at the end of the city of Bath seems to stand out with its extravagant birthday decorations.

"Macy darling come down breakfast is ready!" Aurora Black calls out to her only daughter with excitement as it is her 11th birthday.

"Morning mum!" Says a cheery voice. The young girl was in a soft lilac dress, and a purple Casablanca lily behind her left ear holding strands of her soft brown hair into place, her unusually beautiful hazel eyes shining with happiness and excitement as she makes her way towards the dining table.

Aurora stands there and admires her daughter with pride. She is the perfect mixture of her and her husband, she has her mother's looks but her father's charm, mischief, and creativity.

Aurora snaps out of her trance and sits down beside her daughter with a smile. "So are you ready for the best birthday ever?" She questions excitedly, Macy's eyes seem to glow with joy.

"Absolutely today is the day I'll get my letter just like daddy said I would! I can't wait to start learning magic! I've read almost everything there's to know about the Wizarding world but there's still so much to learn and-" she suddenly stops and her expression changes to one of sadness.

"What's the matter?" Aurora asks worriedly, "Mum when I leave it'll just be you alone and I'll miss you." Macy explains in a hoarse voice and glistening eyes. "Oh honey don't worry about me I'll be fine and of course I'll miss you even more than you can imagine but I'll send you letters every week," Aurora speaks in a soft and melodious voice.


"I promise honey." She then kisses her daughter's cheek before standing up to get her coffee. "Say, mum." Macy calls and her mother hums in response.

"W...where is daddy? Why isn't he back home yet? It's been so long," She looks down at her plate sadly as her mother freezes.

Of course, Macy knows a fair amount about the Wizarding world and that her father's family were very strict purebloods who were against the idea of him marrying a muggle.

However, Macy did not know that her father's family doesn't know she exists or if he even did end up marrying her due to him not going back home after he graduated from Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry.

She also did not know about where her father actually was and Aurora preferred to keep it that way until she's at the right age to understand.

She herself did not believe the lies the Wizarding world was spreading about her husband as he would never do the things they accused him off but, sadly she couldn't do anything as they took him away and threw him in Azkaban.

Aurora sighs before trying to answer little Macy's question as honestly as she could. "Sirius is uhhh..." She lets out another deep breath before looking into her daughter's eyes.

"Daddy is somewhere he can't get out of right now and that's why he can't come home yet. He would never miss your birthday if he could come, home sweetheart, don't worry though because once he does come home we won't ever be apart." She explains with tearful eyes as her daughter nods her head and gives her a smile.

She couldn't blame her for wondering nor for missing him because truth be told she missed him too and wondered if he's okay every day. She glances at her daughter the legacy of her and her husband as the little girl munches happily on some pancakes.

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