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Walking inside the bookshop Macy is completely spellbound at the shelves and shelves of colourful books. She firstly goes on to look at some books she can read in her free time and comes upon three books that sound interesting, Magical creatures that make the best pets, book of spells, and quidditch through the ages.

Grabbing those she still looks around she sees another that sounds interesting called The Tales of Beedle the Bard grabbing that too she was about to go get her actual school books and pay for them all but a shiny golden book attracts her eyes. She places her books on a table and tries to reach for the golden book on the shelf but couldn't reach it.

"Merlin why am I so short!" She growls as she tries to reach for it again. "Need any help?" A boy chuckles startling Macy and making her tumble down to the ground.

The boy helps Macy up with a small smile. "Sorry bout that." He reaches out for the book and hands it to Macy. "Here." He says as Macy shyly takes the book she looks the boy in the eyes and smiles.

"Thank you." The boy smiles back, "Don't mention it, I'm Archer Cross going to start my first year at Hogwarts tomorrow. You?" Macy's hazel eyes glow brightly.

"I'm Macy Black I'm a first-year too." She looks at the boy with excitement as he does the same. Archer brushes away a few strands of his raven hair that have fallen over his grey stormy eyes and smiles at Macy.

"Well I better go before my mum sends a search party, I'll see you around Macy."

"See you around Archer and thank you again." She calls out as he runs down the stairs waving his hand.

Macy chuckles as she turns her gaze back on the book. The Tales and Adventures of Newt Scamander and Friends she squeals excitedly at the book before placing it on the others.

Right before she was about to take them all to the counter and ask for her school books as well she notices a white paper bird fly to her shoulder.

Perplexed she opens it up to see a small note.

ʜᴇʀᴇ's ᴍʏ ᴀᴅᴅʀᴇss ᴏᴡʟ ᴍᴇ ɪғ ʏᴏᴜ ɴᴇᴇᴅᴇᴅ ᴀɴʏᴛʜɪɴɢ.

Macy smiles and places the note in her pocket before getting her books and going to the counter.

"Hello, deer first year I presume?" A nice lady asks and Macy nods. The lady goes on and grabs the books that she needs for her first year. "You want to buy these as well?" She asks pointing to the small stack of books.

"Yes please." The lady then packs all her books and hands them over to her after she paid. "Thank you," Macy calls out before grabbing her books and uniform and placing them on a trolley that had a note from Hagrid saying he thought she could use it.

After she was all done with the books she makes a quick stop at  Scribbulus Writing to get a bunch of parchment, quills, inks, notebooks, and mood changing quills.

She then quickly goes on and gets her cauldron along with other potion stuff she needed, her crystal phials and brass scale along with a mini telescope that could expand to a big huge one.

Once she was done she looked at the clock to see she had to hurry up it was almost 4. She quickly rushed to Eeylop's Owl Emporium since she's decided she wanted an owl.

Walking around and looking at the owls one by one her eyes caught onto one it was a Northerner saw-whet owl.

It had big tawny eyes and soft brown feathers with specks of white. This is it! Macy walks closer to the owl and slowly reaches her hand out to see if the owl likes her.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2021 ⏰

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