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*im currently in class writing this and another story for myself...so enjoy this probably sucky chapter.*

     I woke up in Colby's arms. I rubbed my face and felt something cold on my hand. I looked at my hand a saw the ring that Colby had given me. 'Holy shit I'm engaged' I thought to myself before kissing Colby's head. The only other thing was how i was supposed to tell our friends and family. I couldn't wait to tell the girls. 

Colby finally woke up and hopped in the shower.  Once he was done getting ready he hugged me from behind while i was cleaning the house a little because our friends were coming over. 

Colby helped me clean up a little before we cuddled on the couch and watched a movie. 

A few hours later. Everyone showed up. "Why are you setting the camera up?" Sam questioned. 

"Its on" i stated turning to Colby and the rest of the group. 

"We have news" Colby said

"Your pregnant"

"Your breaking up"

"Your moving in together" That one made me laugh.

"Whats going on" Mike asked.

"OH MY GOD, your getting married." Kat added. I once again started to laugh. 

"Are you guys gonna let us tell you or are you gonna keep guessing?" I said laughing. 

"Seriously" Colby added laughing as well causing us all to laugh. 

"WERE GETTING MARRIED" I screamed showing everyone the ring. Every one was cheering. 

"I knew it" Kat said smirking. 

"I want a niece or nephew" Sam said crossing his arms. 

"We all do" Kat added.

"Woah, woah, woah. One step at a time" I said laughing.

Suddenly Sam was on one knee. "Katrina Stuart. Ive been with you for 5 years now and there isnt a thing i wouldnt do to make you happy. Kat, will you marry me."

"YES, YES, YES, A MILLION TIMES YES" she cheered.Her eyes immediately met mine. "Double wedding" she asked shrugging. "Up to the guys. Im down" 

"Sam is my bestfriend and id be happy to get married along side him." Colby said smiling causing Sam to nod his head in agreement. "HOLY SHIT COLBS, WERE GETTING MARRIED." Sam and Colby jumped and cheered along with everyone else. "I love you Colbs" i whispered to my fiance  before he whispered it back. "OK OK WAIT" I screamed. "Brides maids?" i said. "Maid of honor" Kat added. "Tara, would you be my Maid of honor." I asked. She squealed " I would love to" 

"OH Xepher. Honey bunch. Be my Maid of honor?" Kat asked causing a bright smile on Xephers face. "Then Devyn, Cassie, and Andrea will be shared brides maids." i stated to the rest of the group. 

"Brennen, baby...Will you be my Best man" Colby asked Brennen who was now impinging up and down like a little girl who got the bike she wanted fro Christmas. "OF COURSE BABY" He said jumping into Colbys arms. 

"And as for you, Jakey poo. Will  you me MY best man?" Sam asked jake. 

He gasped "Meee" Jake said with his hand on his chest making us all laugh. "Sammy bear, I would love to" 

"Well whos gonna be Grooms men?" I questioned noticing that Mike, Elton, Reggie, Corey, Aryia, and Corey were still in the room. 

"Easy" Sam said

"Elton, Mike, and Kevin i will take and Sam will take Reggie, Aryia, and Corey" Colby stated looking at Sam.

Sam nodded his head in agreement "Yep, looks like everyone is in the wedding" He added with a bright smile.  Sam, Kat, and Colby told their families what was going on. I only told my mom and dad. 

Looks like were gonna be planing a wedding. 



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