Chapter 1

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It was morning when Camp Campbell's campers were eating breakfast. David was talking to the campers about today's activities as they ate.

"Today campers, we will be going to the cities shopping center and you'll be partnered up with a person that you have to buy a gift for, they must buy a gift for you as well, me and Gwen have gotten enough money from Cameron Campbell himself to do this activity, so hurry up and eat so you can get on the bus" David smilies. "I'll assign partners outside before we leave" he added.

Once everyone was outside he held a clipboard, "alrighty campers, the groups of two are-"

"Dolph and SpaceKid"

"Ered and Nurf"

"Nikki and Nerris"

"Harrison and Neil"

"And last but not least Max and Preston" David announced.

Most were not happy with who they had to deal with for the day, but maybe they won't really have to speak to each other, just maybe.

After getting on the bus and being forced to sit with their "partners" they bus started driving. "It'll be a two hour ride campers, make sure to learn what the person likes in those two hours" David said.

20 minutes in and there was loud talking from mostly everywhere, except between Max and Preston. They refused to speak, or even look at each other.

Finally, Preston spoke up "we'll have to speak at one point" he sighed "Yeah, I know, but I don't care" Max replies, staring out the window.

"Maxwell, at least tell me what you like, or what camp you're in" Person frowns. "I'm not in a camp,and I don't like anything" Max huffed. "Hm- do- you like music?" Preston asked "I- guess?" Max shrugs

"What instruments do you play if any?" Preston asked "anything really" Max shrugs. "Alright...I think I have an idea" Preston smiled "rightttt, what do YOU like pretty boy?" Max looked at him. "I love anything to do with musicals and theater" Preston chuckles.

"Ok cool" Max shrugs "what do you have in mind?" Preston asked with a grin "I dunno, you'll see though" Max huffed.

"Well I guess it'll be a surprise then" Preston chimed "I do love surprises" He added "yeah yeah, you're a dork, I get it" Max grumbled.

"Dork?" Preston mumbled softly with a slight tint of pink on his face. He then smiled to himself "right then if I'm a dork then you're a emo" He giggles

"I'm not 'emo' Preston" Max growled "rightttt~" Preston then smirked "you sure act like it" he added. "Just... be quite" Max huffed.

-time skip-

The bus stopped at the shopping center. The kids hopped out of the bus and looked around.

"Allllrighty campers! You all have 100 dollars on each of these cards, make sure to spend it wisely and on the activity, not on yourselves because remember you'll all be getting something at the end of the day" David smiles and handed each camper a card "now, don't get lost and have fun" He nods "this will be a disaster" Gwen shoved a few pills in her mouth.

The kids ran off to find their partners' gifts. Preston was walking near a small store when he saw exactly what he was looking for "AhHa!" He grinned. It was a violin made with cherry wood that almost sparkled in the light, it was perfect.

On the other side of the shopping center, Max was not exactly trying but he was looking around, eventually he found something that would work, a typewriter that was almost completely brand new, it had silver keys and smooth black paint on the machine itself. "This should work" he mumbled to himself

Preston was looking at the violin and noticed something, the price tag said '$150' and that's when is world fell apart. "Dammit..." he frowns.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2019 ⏰

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