Chapter 9 - Tonight.

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Another ONE from Noah.

Anyone expecting this?

Have Fun Reading❤️

Noah's POV :

I'm completely surprised by her.

First, she ditched me this whole time.

Then, she made me feel so bad about hurting her.

Now, she's here at my house. Standing in a mind-blowing way that glittered my whole system from this current headache.

I had made my way to a nearby bar to fuel up my system after what happened at her place. I decided to get simply blank by drinking tremendously.

I don't bother nor care about anything around me. I kept drinking and drinking till my vision went blur.

I almost doesn't feel anything and at the morning today, I just realised that this bimbo grinded over me the whole time at the bar.

She brought me home too, though. But, she didn't have the rights to stay any longer.

God knows, what she did to me yesterday. Urgh, if it's anything that I'm thinking right now than I should take a very long shower.

Suddenly, this bimbo interjected and how dare she disrespect Bella.

I'm already mad at this unknown woman and she's taking over me as she was my girlfriend.

That is why, I ordered her to leave and invited Bella in.

Bella, on the other side was pretty nervous to even step in further.

I felt contented and warmth inside me when I saw her nervous figure.

Why do I feel this way? Where's that anger I have for her yesterday?

"You can walk in further. " I mentioned while Mrs Andres giggled beside me.

They both already meet, I guess. And, I'm sure that Mrs Andres do like this woman because she had never been this normal with any of the bimbos or even Cherry.

She walked in acceptingly and stood infront me. Opening her mouth to explain the reason and I already interjected.

"What are you doing here, Bella? " I asked softly.

Her blinking eyes, awaiting to speak lips, curly flowy hair and the luscious body were over tempting than my anger did.

I no longer mad at her.

"I...came to apologize. " she said and connected my gaze.

"I'm sorry. " she murmured ever softly and I was dreaming about how could it feel if I kiss her now.

No. What am I thinking?

I cleared my throat and jerked every thought in my mind thats admiring her.

"I think...we already had this talk yesterday. So, why now? " I questioned and her eyes went to the floor below.

"I need to explain...I-I didn't do it intentionally. My phone on the last minute went dead and I couldn't operate it since then. I don't know how to communicate you and then...I ignored because...I thought that you won't show up either. " she explained coyly.

How could she think that I wouldn't show up?

"Who said that I won't show up? I won't do that and you know what? I drove to the restaurant like a crazy man for just being 8 minutes late because I don't want to ruin the day for you...but you never even show up. " I said in a upset tone while her eyes became watery again.

"Jeez, Bella. Please, don't cry for everything. " I confronted and she quickly wiped her eyes with the back of her hand.

I was about to reach for my coffee cup but I flinched at the contracting pain on my knuckles.

Guess what, I never aid it.

"Oh my God, Noah...what did you do this time? " Mrs Andres yelled in worry as she noticed my stained in blood knuckles while she observed it.

I heard a gasp from beside and I looked at Bella, only to find her seeing me in shock. With her eyes shining in tears again.

"I will get the first aid, just wait. "Mrs Andres informed and rushed to the kitchen to get some first aid kit.

Bella was still stunned and she slowly walked up to me.

The next surprised me when she took my hand in hers. I flinched everytime when she observed my knuckles again.

Her skin on me was burning things in me and I could feel my stomach lumping.

Mrs Andres came back with the first aid kit and Bella was about to give my hand to Mrs Andres but that when Mrs Andres refused and gave the first aid kit to Bella.

Bella took it hesitatingly and looked me briefly.

"She doesn't have to do this, Mrs Andres. I will ju-- " I was saying but in short, Bella's confession surprised me and my drive went crazy.

"I can do it. I wanted to do it. " Bella mumbled in a calm tone, wiping her tears fully and focusing on my knuckle only. She began to clean up the wound.

Mrs Andres was smiling eye to eye this whole time and I couldn't understand why. I don't know how did Bella manage to win over this woman.

I averted my attention back to Bella and she was busy bandaging my knuckle.

Her lips was in a bit tainted pink and there's no any other hint of make up.

She's naturally beautiful.

I couldn't take my eyes off her even after she finished bandaging me. Her eyes locked with mine and we keep our gaze without blinking.

A sound of clearing throat echoed and we break our gaze immediately.

Mrs Andres smiled widely and packed up the first aid kit as she walks away to the kitchen again.

Bella stood up too, while looking at me for something expectingly.

"I'm sorry again. I promise that I will get a new handphone soon, alright. I know that I can't blame my handphone only but also myself. My intention was not to hurt you but you got hurt yourself and I felt bad. " she said timidly as she fidgets with her fingers.

"So...I think t-that's it then. I should be leaving. " she added softly after she notice the silence around us and was about to carry her bag when I spoke.

"Go on a date with me. Tonight. " I proposed and her eyes went wide.

"W-What? " she asked back, surprised by my confession.

"What?...If you really wanted to make up for me, then this is the thing. I will be picking you up by 8 tonight. Be ready. " I exclaimed calmly as I took a sip of the coffee by my another hand.

Bella sighed and was already leaving but she stopped instantly, then turn at the kitchen to wish good bye to Mrs Andres.

I was amazed by her today. With that simplicity look, smile, feature and deed, she easily melt the person around me.

She's something, isn't it?

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