Chapter 38 - Passionate.

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After spending days in thinking about how to write SMUT, I finally made it (you will be warned later again)

But, let me tell you this....This is my FIRST TIME writing smut so just mess it around with your wild imagination if it wasn't enough lol😂

Happy Reading lovelies❤️

Noah's POV:

Last day of work today and I'm so excited to spend the whole weekend with my woman.

I promised her all the dates, I really mean it when I said as 'dates' because I wanted her to feel alive with me. I don't want her to be insecure of what we are having now.

As usual I left my workplace at 5.30 and take a ride to my woman, not before reaching up to the usual nearby florist to get her favourite flowers. She will be waiting for me there and I can't wait to see that blushed beautiful woman of mine.

As I expected, in minutes I was already crossing the gate of her workplace. I entered with my car roaring knowing that she would get a hint of me arriving already.

I laughed remembering the day when she told me that my car's roar were already obvious enough that I'm here if I had came early for her. Since that day, I used this way to grab her attention so that she would know that there's this guy waiting for herself.

I parked my car on the porch, watching all the employees getting out of their building and in a flick, I saw Cherry and Bella walking out of the building with laughter around them.

Wow, did my eyes seeing it correctly. It's been nearly 2 months since we started dating and after all this day, I'm seeing this. Bella used to tell me about how Cherry changed drastically after her confrontation towards Cherry and I believe that the latter might be remorse of her past behaviour.

I just hope that she really changed because I don't want her to end up hurting me nor Bella by masking a good facade.

I exited my car in the haze of concern and shock. Bella noticed me and her smile doubled, saying something to Cherry while walking over to me.

Cherry, for once just nodded with a smile and there's this familiar car roaring right beside mine. I peered to look at the person and it's her husband, throwing glares at me.

Man, why?

"So, no flowers for me today? " Bella's soft voice took me by surprise and I nearly cried for forgetting the flowers which is in the car. I quickly lean back in to my car and took the bouquet.

Extending with my sweet smile as if to cover up my hazy self, she just lean closer to me while pinching my nose a little and her face scrunched a little as if she's cooing a baby.

"You look too adorable. " she said with a smile in between of pinching and I squealed. Damn, none have ever done that to me and it makes me feels like a real kid now.

Oh, this woman had put me in place just by her deeds.

I needed to do something now. I cupped her face gently in between my palms and planted my lips on her, taking her breath away.

"Don't do something like that again, Bella. Because you know, I don't want to create any PDA more. I don't mind actually but, it's your workplace. " I mumbled as I pulled away, my thumbs caress her already pink cheeks.

"Okay, I can understand. " she giggled and I engulfed her. Her head perfectly settled under my chin as she laid her head on my chest.

This isn't PDA.

We pulled away and I led my beautiful to the door as I opened the door for her. She never missed a wave towards Cherry and with a laughter, she sat in. Cherry just thumbs up in return and as her gaze falls on me, she surprisingly smiles which is very genuine by now.

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