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Sapphire Jones POV

Many of you probably already know who I am. Sapphire Jones, the bad girl of Springfield High. I dont give a shit about anyone's feelings, I get into tons of fights, I got suspended so many times that I lost count.

Girls hated me.
Guys loved me.

Well, the bad girl of Springfield High is now going to be the bad girl of Burlington High.  Welcome to the world of Sapphire Jones.

I sit in my car watching everyone pile into the school. Not a care in the world. I don't want to be here. Is my thoughts. I was perfectly fine back in Springfield why oh why did my father make me move here.

The thought my of my father made me want to throw up. He was a sick man and I hated that man with such a passion.

I turned my car off and opened my door. After i got out the car everyone's eyes were on me. I glared at every person staring at me,  they soon went back to their little conversations and I walked into the school towards the main office.

"How may I help you?" A woman who looked to be in her, maybe late 30's, asked me. "I'm new and I need my schedule." I said and she quickly nodded. She got out my schedule and locker number.

I was walking to my locker when I bumped into the hardest chest I've ever bumped into. "Hey watch where you going?" A deep voice snarled at me.

I looked up to see a boy. He had on a black leather jacket, black combat boots and he was wearing dark black sunglasses. His hair was a light brown color, his skin tone was dark  but more of a caramel complexion.

"Maybe if you weren't wearing sunglasses in the building you would have saw me." I shot back causing him to look taken aback. I'm guessing he was the bad boy of the school.

He didn't say anything to me but instead gapped at me, like I was some kind of rare creature. He wasn't used to being spoken to that way.

"I have a locker to get to so...goodbye." I left a shocked looking boy and went to my locker.

Adrian Sage POV

I was walking to my locker when someone bumped into me without looking down or taking off my sunglasses I spoke. "Watch where your going." I snarled.

"Maybe if you weren't wearing sunglasses in the building you would have saw me." The voice said back. I stood there shocked that anyone would speak to me in that manner.

Without moving my head I looked down to see a girl who I never saw before. Rumor was there was a new girl in the building so I'm guessing that was her.

She was beautiful, her long light brown hair fell over her shoulders. She was wearing a black tank top like croptop that criss crossed on the front with a black jacket on her shoulders.

She had on a black short skirt but not so short that as soon as she bent down her panties would show, and she had on black heels.

"I have a locker to get to so...bye." her voice knocked me out my trance and I watched her as she walked down the halls, as if she owned the school.

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