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Jackson's POV
I have always liked Blythe the second I saw her. How can you not fall for her? She's perfect. But her friends? I've always noticed that Yugyeom liked Paris, but Ari just is a little bitch that just tries to get dick every night. And Bliss has to put up with that. Blythe Jamie Chen, I will make you fall for me, just as I fell for you.

"Please Blythe, give me a chance. I always notice how Paris treats you differently and Yugyeom doesn't even notice you. I can help you forget him. Just give me a chance." I ask her.

"I-I'll try Jackson, I'll try. For you and for my heart." she says shyly. Oh my god, yes! I have a chance. I pull her into a big hug.

"Thank you so much. I promise you won't regret it." I pull away. She smiles just the way I've wanted to for years.

"How about some Chatime? Just down the street? I'll text Yugyeom I'll pick him up later." I say.

"You know what, I'm up for it." she smiles and hugs my arm. I text Yugyeom. We get in the car and I give her the aux cord. She plays our song, Superman. I sing the parts of mine and the rappers while she sings the vocals. I've never heard her sing before, but she's really good. Like better than Youngjae good.

Just say whoa-oa...
For a long time...

She then plays You Are. Since I have a convertible, it's an experience to sing with you're hair flowing through the wind. I took a picture. She sings so well.

It's a beautiful sky....
There is not a cloud...

We arrive at Chatime and we order. We get our drinks and sit on the hood of the car.

"You sing really good. Like better than Youngjae." I say smiling.

"Thank you. Also for the milk tea. Wait, I have to get back. Can you take me to Lucas' school please?" She asks. Oh of course, I plan to watch you swim too!

"Not a problem princess. Let's go." We drive there and I get out of the car to pick up Lucas with Blythe. All the moms are gawking over me which makes me wanna puke but I'm polite anyway.

"Ate Jamie!!" Lucas says running up to Blythe and hugging her legs. It's so cute and also they're matching. I took a polaroid. I know she loves them.

"Hi Jackson Hyung!" Lucas says.

"Hey big guy! Let's go!" We all drive back to their apartment and she gets her swim bag. She gets in her car and I sit in the passenger seat.

"What the hell? Why are you here? Aren't you supposed to pick up Paris and Yugyeom?" She says frantically? I laugh and chuckle at how cute she is when she's frustrated.

"Are you gonna keep laughing at me? I'm gonna be late." she says impatiently. I take a deep breath to calm myself.

"Well, I wanna see you swim and I can look over Lucas." I say and give her my signature dimple smile. She gives me the genuine light smile I've been waiting to see from her.

"Ok. Well let's get going or I'm going to be late." She steps on the gas pedal and races to practice. She gets out of car and gives me her keys to park it. When me and Lucas start walking to the pool, he asks me something.

"Do you like Ate Jamie?" Lucas asks.

"This is gonna be a secret between the two of us okay? Yes, I love her with all of my heart.
And I also love you. When I get close to her, is it okay if I ask her to be my girlfriend?" I kneel to be his height.

"Make sure you make her happy. But I approve of you. I like you. Now come on, we already missed her dry land!" He says. This kid has to teach me all about swimming. We go inside and sit on the outer benches of the pool deck. There are bleachers on the other side. (look up the markham pan am pool. it looks like that) He runs up to her coach and greets him.

"Hi Max! Where's Ate Jamie?" he asks him. I see her in the front of lane 4 leading the people behind her.

"Hey Lucas! She's finishing up her warmup. And who's this young man?" he looks up at me.

"This is Ate Jamie's friend! Jackson!" Lucas introduces me. I stick out my hand to meet Blythe's coach, Max. He happily takes it.

"Max. Nice to meet you. And are you sure you're just her friend? Do you know Yugyeom?" Dang does Lucas tell this guy everything?

"He's actually my best friend. And yes, I really want to be more than just friends." I say.

"Oh. But I'm telling you if there's drama, this will badly affect her performance. Please, I'm trusting you." he whispers the last sentence in my ear.

"Of course, I will do everything to keep her happy, healthy and safe." I say. I sit down at the bench with Lucas. I look to see Blythe getting out of the pool with her friends, out of breath and l see her body. Not only she's perfect on the inside, she's damn perfect on the outside. She waves to Lucas and pokes her cheeks. I take a photo.

Out of nowhere, Yugyeom comes on deck and sees Lucas.

"Hi Lucas, sorry I'm late. Yugyeom comes and sits next to me." I scoff.

"Don't you have somewhere else to be? Aren't you dating Paris? Her best friend? Does she even know?" I ask him. He doesn't have the right to be here. He's all over Paris and sacrificing his friendship with Blythe for her girlfriend.

Soon enough, practice ended and we waited for Blythe in the lobby. I was impressed by how fit she was, and how dedicated she is towards swimming. She comes down the hall, holding her mesh bag and squirts some water from her bottle.

"Bliss, can I talk to you?" Yugyeom says. He's gonna tell her. I walk away with Lucas, knowing that Yugyeom wants some privacy. She comes back a few minutes later, crying as Yugyeom walked through the automatic doors.

"You liked him didn't you?" I say as she cries into my shoulder. She nods. I hug her.

"It's ok. I wouldn't hurt you. Give me a chance."
is it gud¿

1092 words

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