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Yugyeom's POV

december 27th

I've finally landed in here in the United States. I've tracked her ticket and it said that she went to San Fransisco, so that's where I am! I decide to grab some coffee first, to enjoy the moment a bit. I head to a coffee shop down the street. It's pretty chilly out, one of me and Blythe's favourite time of the year. Everything reminds me of her now. Until I see a poster of the Swimming World Cup advertisement. Maybe she's here for that. I thought. I got mad at her for pursuing her lifetime dream. I'm such a bad best friend.

I go in and order my iced choco, even though it's cold outside because, well, it's my favourite! I wanted to ask about the poster outside.

"Do you know what the poster outside is about?"

"Of course! The Swimming World Cup is one of the most popular events here in San Fransisco! There's this girl from Korea said to be the youngest in the competition. But I think she's Chinese from her last name." the cashier says to me. Is it Blythe?

"What's her name?"

"Um something Chen? Brooke? Bryn? Uhh-"


"Yeah! Her! Well, my shift's over. Gotta go! Hope to see you at the World Cup!" he leaves me with my thoughts..... and my iced choco.

Blythe's POV
Tomorrow is the World Cup and my heart is already racing. My coach said to take the day off to rest before the race. So me and Jackson decide to have some fun. We go to a fair, have lunch, walk around the city. I'm really thankful for Jackson, and honestly starting to fall for him. He's a really nice person. He's making me forget all about Yugyeom. But I still love him. Even though I know it's wrong.

We arrive home and I eat a good dinner full of iron to keep up my energy for tomorrow. We leave at 7am to go to the pool. Around 9am, I have my warm up then wait for my first event. I finish my dinner and start to put away the dishes. Jackson stops me.

"Don't, you have a big event ahead of you tomorrow. Go rest. You need it." he says, taking the plate from my hand and placing it in the cupboard.

"Thank you Jackson. Like, really. Thank you. For being here for me. And to be honest, I think....." I think a bit. He deserves a little bit of hope since he's been with me for so long and hasn't given up. He looks down at me with his beautiful brown eyes and a small pout.

"I'm starting to fall for you." I say with a smile. His pout immediately turns to a wide grin and wraps me in a big bear hug. He snuggles his head into my hair.

"Just a bit more, okay? I promise I won't lose your trust. And I knew you were gonna fall for my charm by now." I chuckle. He sheds a tear.

"Go sleep now. I'll wake you up tomorrow." He leads me to the room and goes back to the kitchen to fix the dishes. Thank you Jackson. I think before falling asleep.

the next morning

I was in the middle of a great dream, Lucas graduating kindergarten as I put a medal around his neck. Giving him a big hug, letting him know I was proud of him. But it's go cut of by someone kissing me in the cheek and me blushing really hard. I cover my face.

"Come on, Princess! Swimming time!" He shouts as he pushes the curtains out of the window. The light shines in my face. I wash my face and go have breakfast. I see Jackson prepared me a breakfast full of carbs to work as energy for my race. He then gets my lunch bag ready and a smoothie. We soon leave for the pool.

When we get there, it's already 9:30! I missed half of warm up! Today is the first day and I'm late! I also have the worst event today, 200 fly. Oh no. I get ready as fast I can and get in the water. When it's done, I feel weak, tired and I don't have the adrenaline going. But I insist on keep going. Let's see how this goes.

Yugyeom's POV
Today is the Swimming World Cup. I searched it up, and Bliss is competing in the race. So I bought tickets for all of the days, on deck. So yes, I'm close to the action.

I look around and I see Bliss wrapped in sweatpants, a sweater and her parka. The one I got for her on her birthday last year. On her right was her coach and on her left was.... Jackson Hyung? Why is he here? And why is Lucas not here either? I walk to the other side just to get stopped by some security guards. Ughh.

"Sorry Sir. You're not allowed past here" he says.

"My friend's there! Look! Blythe Jamie Chen! I can show you a picture!" I say.

"Nope, I can't let a fanboy go just because you wanna meet her. Sorry." he leaves. Is that all I really am?
short chapter!!

883 words

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2019 ⏰

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