Chapter One

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Alexandra felt the cold steel of a blade cutting through the soft flesh of her throat. She felt the blood begin to pool beneath her on the white silk sheets. Her eyes stared up at a ceiling that was foreign to her as her body began to convulse uncontrollably. The last image to swim through her hazy vision was pale blue skin.

Immense pain pounded on the back of Alexandra's forehead as her eyes snapped open. She sat up in her bed, her fingers immediately feeling at her neck. She half expected to see them covered in blood as she pulled them back to look at them. Her relief was momentary as the little alarm clock buzzing by the side of her bed finally grabbed her attention. According to the bright red flashing numbers, it had been going off for quite some time. She groaned. She was going to be late for school again.

Thirty minutes later, Alexandra came down the stairs in search of breakfast. Her long black hair was piled haphazardly atop her head, loosely secured with a ponytail holder. Wide green eyes that normally sparkled with excitement were dull and half lidded. The images of her nightmare had replayed in her mind as she had gotten dressed. She just couldn't shake the feeling of it all. She had never dreamed anything that felt so real before.

"Good Morning," Aunt Tammy chirped with a broad smile as she looked up from the hot pan in front of her. Her jet black hair was braided in a long plait that went all the way down to her ample backside. The smile faded from her aged face when she saw the sleep still clinging to Alexandra's eyes.

"Morning," Alex said, her eyes avoiding her Aunt Tammy's. She slid onto a bar stool at the kitchen island and reached for a freshly washed strawberry from a pile on the plate.

"How did you sleep?" Aunt Tamaya asked. It was the same question she asked Alex every morning, and most mornings she didn't mind answering. When she had nightmares, though, it was a different story. Aunt Tammy insisted on knowing every gory detail about them. Usually, that wasn't much of a big deal, but this one was different. She didn't want to relive what she had just seen. This one felt too real. Her gaze trailed around the kitchen, looking for an escape. She was a terrible liar and they both knew it.

"Alex," Aunt Tammy said, pausing her stirring to cast a stern look at her. Alex knew there was no point. Aunt Tammy was pretty lenient about most things, but this wasn't one of them.

"Bad dream," Alex admitted with a heavy sigh. She avoided eye contact with Aunt Tammy. "I'd rather not talk about it."

"What happened this time?" she persisted, returning to her cooking with a frown.

"Just let it go," Alex groaned, "please."

"Tell me," Aunt Tammy said. She didn't turn back to look at her. The tone of her voice told Alex that she wasn't going to let it go.

"It was really violent...bloody," Alex said with a huff of annoyance. "There was a weird blue guy. He had writing...tattoos all over his skin." Her brows furrowed as she tried to remember the details of the dream. "I just remember bits and pieces...someone died. But, it was just a stupid nightmare. I don't know why you insist on always hashing them out. I don't like it, ya know."

"Are you certain?" Aunt Tammy asked. She switched the stove off and moved the hot pan onto the marble countertop, turning around to look at Alex.

"Yeah," Alex said. "I'm pretty sure I don't like talking about my nightmares."

"I mean, are you certain the man had blue skin," Aunt Tammy shot back, not at all amused with her answer. "Blue skin with tattoos? And someone died. Who?"

"Yes, I'm sure," Alex said, her voice rising a bit as she grabbed another strawberry and popped it in her mouth. She chewed it angrily.

"Who died?" Aunt Tammy demanded, her cold almost black eyes piercing through Alex.

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