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(Y/N)'s eyes diligently watched the darkening sky. It had been hours since Levi left for battle and the sky was a sign that the battle with the royal army was now in full swing. Biting her lip she attempted to busy herself at the quiet rebel camp by preparing for the army's return they would surely need medical care when they returned. 

She still couldn't believe that she left with Levi that night. That she had betrayed her nation; but, she couldn't help it. 

When she stared into those mysteriously colored eyes it was as if she was being dragged down into an underwater abyss. She was sinking into a pool of silver, no palladian blue, whenever she stared into them. She was wrapped into comfort like nothing could harm her whenever she stared into those entrancing orbs. It was as if she had stared into those hauntingly beautiful orbs. 

Ever since leaving with Levi (Y/N) felt at peace. 

She felt at home with him by her side. 

Thinking about the raven made the female's face gain in color as she continued to prepare the proper medical equipment. Her mind wandering to her conversation that she had with him the night before seemed to play on a record in her mind. 

He had said that he had to tell her something important. 

Nibbling at her lip, the (H/C) ran through the many possibilities that Levi was to tell her at his return. Was he going to say something sweet? Was he going to say that he loved her? Maybe it wasn't good at all. It could be him telling her that this--whatever they had couldn't work in the real world Or it could be him revealing that he had another life outside of war, a wife or even a child that he now could return to and had only gotten with her as he thought his life was ending. 

The intense smell of peroxide hit the female's nose making her face scrunched in disgust. 

No, she couldn't think like that. 

Levi wasn't the type of man to be like that. She just had to have faith in him and wait patiently for his return with victory in hand. Patting herself on the cheeks she nodded and left the medical bay to stare at the sky once more that was painted with smoke. Occasionally, she would her a few canons go off or other types of bombs. That was par for the course as she had quickly learned at the royal camp. Her chest tightened as she strained her ears listening for any sign that the royal troops were coming closer. She couldn't hear any voices or crunching of leaves from heavy boots.

"Good," she whispered to herself making her way to her new home at this camp, Levi's private tent. 

Walking into the quaint tent she took a breath of his lavender scent. It was really amazing that the scent was so prominent in these times. The rest of the camp reeked of sweat and dirt, but Levi's tent had a clean smell to it. (Y/N) chalked it up to Levi constantly want to clean and put things in order. He said that it was an old habit to clean. 

Petting her hand over the pristine bedding it was like a butler lived in the small tent, she thought to herself. Not a single thing was out of place from his meal rations to his secret stash of earl grey tea. He definitely put her cleaning skills to shame. 

Sitting down on the cot she felt the heavy outline of the item that was in her pocket press against her. Pulling out the item her fingers tremble across the cold metal and wooden frame that held it. Her thoughts overtaking her as she stared at her reflection in the metal barrel. 


"There, just like that, now," muscular arms trapped the smaller framed female overlay their own overlaying his calloused hands over her smooth ones, "pull the trigger." 

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