So it may be confusing as to why I made this very stupid law of "rich control poor" in my head it was more devious as a new way of slavery. But I couldn't convey it that way because I hadn't really thought about it. And as a second note this story is kinda a alternate reality of earth where it is peaceful but one country has constant internal conflicts.(much like the Middle East and isis and isil and the taliban etc..) I will be making a redux that is in the works it will have more detail and slightly altered ethics about the president he will be like hitler and the country will be Germany in other words very opressive and hated. Also along with that the main characters won't be robotic rather humans that were ever so slightly modified to be quicker and tougher to kill. Like a spartan from halo! Anyways I won't spoil much so you'll just have to read it. Anyways bye for now! -Your friend J
The Rebellion Of Catilon
Science FictionOn a different world much like ours known by the residents as Kortu (Kor-too)there is a country known as the country of conflict its name Sazcyo (Saz-soyo). A city is going through it spreads a rebellion. They call them selfs the Saviors, led by one...