3• Her

486 19 5

You stood in terror as you scanned the woman in front of you.

"So he's been with a whore this whole time, he couldn't have just came back." She said acting like you weren't there.

"Who... Who are you?" You spoke with terror in your voice.
"Holy shit, you can see me..." She said in a shocked tone. "Listen, my pathetic son down there shouldn't be here... And my good you should have said his name."

"Wait you know who Beetlejuice is?"

"I know who Beetlejuice is? You poor breather, Lawrence us my damn son." She cackled

Your eyes lit up as she mentioned that. You had no idea he had a mother, plus you were upset he never told you about her.

"Wait, so why are you here?"

"He's been gone for a few months, not that I really have any concerns for him, but I was just curious." She said in more of a boring tone.

"But... He's been here, on Earth, for like... Years..."

"Time in the Netherworld works different in the Netherworld, so he's only been gone for a few months."

"But I'm here to erase him from your mind" she smiled.

"BEETLEJUI-" you tried to say before you blacked out.

"Bab- Mom?!" Beetlejuice said as he ran up the stairs.

"Lawrence what are you doing! Screwing chicks, Getting married, having a damn kid!" She yelled in disgust.

"What did you do to her?!" He yelled back starting to get angry.

"Don't worry, I just like... I basically erased you from her life. So all the years you spent with her, are all gone. She still remembers everything that has happened in her life, just without you"

His face dropped in realization. He has lost you. He was gone, erased, from your mind. He didn't know what he was going to do, all he could do was drop by your side and hold on to you as tight as he could. He held your limp body in the silence as Juno left.

"Y/n, baby, please wake up... I know I've done you wrong, I know what I have been doing is awful to you... But, baby please wake up." He cried, tears rolling down his face.

You felt lost. Everything around you slowly drifted out of your mind. Fragments of memories scattered around you, bits and pieces of your relationship with Beetlejuice all started to fade away.

"N-no!" Your voice echoed around you.

You suddenly couldn't remember why you said that. You tried to think hard about what you were talking about, but you were lost. Lost in your own mind. Lost in your own thoughts and memories.

You shot awake with a man holding you.

"Baby!" He cried as he smiled "I thought I lost you."

"wHO ARE YOU AND WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY HOUSE!" you screamed in fright.

"Baby, heh, it's me... Beetlejuice... Lawrence?" He nervously chuckled "we're married... We have a kid..."

"No... I'm single... And.. I've never had a kid, why are you saying all this?" You said with your voice somewhat cracking.

"I-it worked..." He said under his breath.
"Please sir... Just... Get out of my house..." You quietly said.

"O... Okay, just know I love you..." He said with a heartbroken tone.

He shut the front door behind him as he took out his phone to call Candy.

"Candy... Can you come get me, we need to talk" he said to Candy over the phone.

"Did Y/n break up with you, what happened?" She asked curiously.

"Candy... Just come pick me up, please."

She said okay and started to head his way. She picked him up and brought him back to her apartment. She locked the door and sat down next to Beetlejuice.

"Okay, so what was it you wanted to talk about?"

"So... I have a mom and she's... Dead too... But I dunno why, but she came today... And... She erased me from Y/n's mind... Basically... Her life... I never existed to her." He spoke.

"Beej... Are you okay... But my question is.. why? And where's Lexi."

"She's at Y/n's aunt's house... But I don't know what I'm going to tell her family, they don't know I was dead."

"Awee, Beej, it's okay... I'm sure there's a way to reverse it." Candy said as she rubbed his back.

"Well if I still had my powers I'd probably be ab- wait... If I ended my life again... Would it work..." He said, his voice changing mid sentence.

"Beetlejuice, you're willing to kill yourself just for Y/n?"

"I'd kill for that woman, so of course I would."

"I can't let you kill yourself, there has to be another way..." Candy said as she looked at him.

You said in your room scrolling on your phone. You found a weird contact with the name of Bj 😍💕
You thought it was a random hook up you probably had when you were drunk. You rolled your eyes as you deleted it, and continuing on. After a while you went to take a shower, but before you stepped in your aunt called you.


"Hey, Y/n, when do you want to pick Lexi up?" She said.

"Lexi who?"

"Y/n stop it, do you wanna meet tomorrow to get her."

"Aunt a/n, really, who's Lexi?" You said curiously.

"Y/n, she's your daughter, put Lawrence on the phone."

"Lawrence? Lexi? Honestly, who are you talking about?"

"Okay, get whatever it is wrong with you fixed... Are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine, but... Uh... I'mma go "

You hung up the phone and shook your head.

'has everyone gone insane?' you thought as you grabbed your towel and turned the water on.

Sup... I was gonna wait to do this idea... But like... I really wanted to ;)

Did this surprise you XD? Uh, but I really hoped you liked it and uh... Man, them votes ahem... Heh, naw I won't beg for votes or comments... Unless 😏... No

But anyways hope you enjoyed, I might post tonight... But might post tomorrow, I dunno...


Author out! ✌️

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