Jiving Together

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"So you were paired during the launch show - what were you thinking in that moment?" Philip asked.

"I was honestly bricking it up there," Joe started, "So much so, that I honestly didn't even realize it was Dianne until she was running toward me."

"And I was SO excited," Dianne added, "Nobody knows this, but I had been secretly hoping for Joe the whole time. Mainly because I thought he had a lot of potential."

"Potential as a dancer or as a boyfriend?" Holly smirked.

"Dancer!" Dianne exclaimed as Joe smirked. "Dancer, only."

"I had...some things I had to figure out in my own life before I could let myself go there," Dianne continued shaking her head, "But Joe didn't make it easy! Do you remember, our first training session?"

Joe laughed, "Of course. I jumped out from behind the door and nearly made you shat yourself."

"Sweeping me off my feet since day one," Dianne replied, dryly.

"Okay, so you became friends first. That's a good foundation, right?" Philip smiled.

"We became best friends," Joe replied, his face now dead serious. "It was kind of...crazy how fast we clicked. Those first two weeks were...intense."

"I think we would have clicked, regardless. But I think the circumstances of those first two weeks...sort of forced the friendship to blossom quickly," Dianne added, gazing at Joe, her face matching his seriousness.


"Atta boy, Joe!" Dianne squealed, as Joe hit the final pose of their jive on the ground in front of her.

"Am I your dance partner, or am I your dog?" Joe panted.

"Well you sound like a dog right now," Dianne teased, leaning down to pat his shoulder. "We've really gotta work on your fitness, Joe."

She grinned as he groaned, turning over onto his back and wrapping his arms around her ankles, "Don't even start, Dianne. I can't breathe."

She gently stepped out of his grip to go turn the music off, giggling as she left him in a heap on the floor. She had to admit - one week of training with Joe and her mood was at an all time high. They had just clicked from the very start - while shy and awkward at first meeting, their partnership had quickly switched into a fun loving friendship.

Joe was a dream student - working harder than she had ever imagined he would. He had picked up the jive pretty quickly, shocking himself just as much as he had shocked her. He was also funny - maybe the funniest person she had ever met, and she found herself laughing hysterically throughout each rehearsal at every silly impression or goofy voice he put on.

Part of her felt selfish, soaking in everything Joe Sugg was offering her. He had become a wonderful distraction from the rest of her life, which seemed to be halted in place, unable to move forward or backward. She hadn't realized how stuck she felt - in many aspects of her life, but especially in her relationship. Since training had started, she had spoken to her boyfriend less than usual - always having an excuse - late night training, extra group rehearsals, unexpected filming sessions. He said he understood - he knew what Strictly entailed. But she couldn't help but wonder if he was even affected by their distance - or if he wondered at all about how she was getting on with her partner.

"Okay, Joe. It's 9pm. One more run, and you can go," she announced when she had the song ready again.

"Is that enough, Di?" he asked, his voice serious. "Because we're on TV in three days, and I need to make sure I'm ready."

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