Bonus:my lil baby girl

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Namjoon POV:

I woke up in the middle of the night to cry, I can't believe you violet had a baby, but not just any baby my baby girl Mia. I love Mai so much I'm happy that we have her

Yes, at times it gets rough because she's still little, and she still learning that's the joy about being a parent, and violet is no less beautiful than she was yesterday or the day before, I really do love you still, I don't know what I would do without them

As I went to go get Mia her bottle I said her while violets left, it's only been a couple of days after we have left the hospital. I know she's super tired when she's here by herself, I was so guilty, I'm ask her some time off work so I can spend time with my kid.

But the best they could do with give me a week off, I want more than a week, I want to be with them forever.

As I was feeding Mia, I guess violet woke up and she came into the kitchen and was back hugging me, she's so sweet, I'm so glad destiny and fate did this I'm so glad karma didn't come back, I'm so glad that were here in this moment together.

I woke up the next day, I felt so great knowing I had a family, for one, I had somebody that loved me, I had a little girl, let's gonna grow up, and that just makes me so happy, because she's gonna be so beautiful and talented like her mom

Could this get any better

Kookie unnie:So for real guys, I just wanted to write you a little story, a little bonus, this will be the only one, because I know the story ended, and I'm kind of sad that it ended, I really loved writing the story, but I have 2 other amazing stories, if you haven't read them, going to read them, I do thank you for reading my story and staying till the end, giving me advice along the way, you guys are so amazing, and I know this is like the only book, a lot of people read, I just want to thank you guys so much for that. It means a lot to me that you guys take your time to read it, and also the other stories are coming out slowly, because I just started school, I go to an art school, a magnet school, so stories may be slower, but I'll try to write as much as I can, but yeah, I wanted to write you guys a story in Namjoon point of view, if you guys are lucky, I might write  one in violet point of view, but thank you once again for coming and reading this. I love you guys so much, and please read the other stories. I mean, you might like them, are you might not you can go help me on those, too, I really it helps me a lot to get a lot of criticism back on my writing because I'm not a rider I'm a drawer

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